An article describing a day in the life of Sharon Daley, a nurse who is the only


Amy Sutherland


Down East




62-64, 90, 94-95


An article describing a day in the life of Sharon Daley, a nurse who is the only health-care provider regularly caring for residents of Maine offshore islands. Since first sending a boat to the islands in 1905, the non-denominational Maine Sea Coast Mission has transitioned from conducting religious services on islands without churches into a de facto social service agency for remote island communities. Daley's method of transportation and examining room is a seventy-five-foot-long boat filled with high-tech telemedicine equipment she uses to treat patients and consult with doctors ashore. Daley has become very familiar with both the islanders she serves and the politics of island life, earning her the trust of members of tight-knit island communities.

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