Insights; We've Come a Long Way Baby...Haven't We?


Portland Monthly



Additional Date Information

March 2018




As Maine goes, so goes the nation. But is that true with women's rights? This article and timeline reveals some surprising facts across the decades.


Feminism, 1977 National Women's Conference, Equal Rights Amendment, Women in the Workforce, Women and College Education, Linda Abromson, Sexual Assault, Le Club Calumet, Maine Charitable Mechanics, Social Standing, Club Memberships, Stalking, Wage Equality, Sex Discrimination, Maine Constitution, 2017 Women's March, Violence, Maine Women's Lobby, Lois Reckitt, National Organization for Women, NOW, Equal Pay, Pregnancy Discrimination,Gay Rights, Janet Mills, ACLU, Maine Women's Conference, Eliza Townsend, Battered Women's Projects, Maine Women's Lobby Celebration, Portland International Jetport, Pay Toilets, Committee to End Pay Toilets in America, Linda Abromson, Portland Country Club, Golf Course Restrictions, Kathy Drake, Spousal Exemption, Violence Policy Center, Homicide, Domestic Violence, Money, Maine's Family Medical Leave, Domestic Partners, L.D. 921, Immigrant Resource Center of Maine, East African Women, Mufalo Chitam, Maine Immigrant Rights Coalition, Inclusivity

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