
Portland Press Herald Still-Film Negatives Collection
Document Type
Still Image
Call number of Original
PH 28 DEC 1995
Contributing Institution
Portland Public Library Special Collections & Archives
Portland, Cumberland, Maine, USA
Creation Date
Format of Original
35mm color negatives
Views of the Congress Street Diner, 551 Congress Street, at the northwest corner of Congress Street and Oak Street.
The Diner closed in 1996. Immediate prior occupants of the building's ground floor included Bentley's Restaurant, and Clay City / Monroe Salt Works pottery. The building was also home to the Dreamland Theater, circa1907-1909.
Left image: Exterior view of storefront from south.
Right image: Interior view of dining area. Oak Street visible at right.
Recommended Citation
"Congress Street Diner, 1995" (1995). Businesses & Buildings - Portland Press Herald Still Film Negatives. 535.
Portland, Me., Downtown Portland, Businesses, Congress Street, Oak Street