"City" piece on Portland mayor Tom Kane's attempt to combine the municipal ballo
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"City" piece on Portland mayor Tom Kane's attempt to combine the municipal balloting, which has a poor turnout, with November's general election to increase participation and make the city council more reflective of the population. During November's general election, more than 50 percent of Portland's 44,000 registered voters cast ballots, compared to 17 percent who voted in the June primary, 12 percent for the 1998 municipal election and 9 percent who voted in the 1997 city election. Councilor Cheryl Leeman opposes combining the balloting because, in her opinion, those who turn out for municipal elections are better-educated voters. Another option is to hold municipal elections in June every other year when state primaries are held. Also with information about an attempt to ban heavy trucks from Portland's State Street, and a recent Portland Press Herald donation to The AIDS Project to make amends for distributing "The Gay Agenda."
Elections, Portland Press Herald, Thomas V Kane
Recommended Citation
Pacillo, Connie, ""City" piece on Portland mayor Tom Kane's attempt to combine the municipal ballo" (1998). Maine News Index – Casco Bay Weekly. 2480.
Casco Bay Weekly