"Profile of Barry Dana, chief of the Penobscot Indian Nation. Dana is " by Edgar Allen Beem

Profile of Barry Dana, chief of the Penobscot Indian Nation. Dana is one of an


Down East




66-69, 94-96


Profile of Barry Dana, chief of the Penobscot Indian Nation. Dana is one of an estimated 2,000 Penobscots, some 450 of whom live on Indian Island. Dana is a graduate of the University of Maine, and from 1985 until 1999, he taught Penobscot culture and language at the Indian Island Elementary School . In 2000, he was elected tribal chief. Donna Loring, the Penobscot Nation's representative in the Maine House of Representatives, calls Barry intelligent, creative, energetic and practical. A consummate outdoorsman, he and his wife, Lori, are ardent canoeists, dog-sledders, and cross-country skiers. Respect for the natural world of Maine informs most of his political opinions and attitudes. With a discussion of the Maine Indian Land Claim Settlement of 1980, and the proposed casino development in southern Maine. Details.


Penobscot Indians, Dana, Barry

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