""The Talk of Maine" piece on UFO sightings in Maine. The state was th" by Powell Boyer

"The Talk of Maine" piece on UFO sightings in Maine. The state was third or fou


Powell Boyer


Down East






"The Talk of Maine" piece on UFO sightings in Maine. The state was third or fourth overall last year in number of sightings, according to Arnold Dunning of Bangor, a local representative of the Mutual UFO Network, a nationwide organization found by scientists in 1969, to investigate the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects. The most famous story was of four fishermen in the Allagash Wilderness Waterway, 20 years ago, who all believed they had been abducted and beamed aboard a spacecraft and then returned to their campsite. In 1988, because they were having nightmares about their ordeal, they sought treatment. Under hypnosis, they all related the same story and drew identical sketches of the beings they saw. Starting with a sighting by Joanne Charrier of Newport in 1994, there were an inordinate number of sightings between September and December of that year. Details.


Unidentified Flying Objects

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