Poland Spring, a company that is owned by Nestle and that bottles the nations's
50-53, 80-83
Poland Spring, a company that is owned by Nestle and that bottles the nations's third best-selling brand of water, wants to add a third Maine plant in Kingfield to its existing plants in Hollis and Poland. The company also purchases 80 million gallons of water a year from a company in Fryeburg, which is ground zero for H2O for ME, which lost a bid to make commercial water bottlers pay taxes on Maine groundwater. H2O for ME wants Maine citizens to be codified as owners of the groundwater and given the right to sell the water through a bidding process. Several Maine towns have imposed moratoriums on large water withdrawals.
Poland Spring Bottling Co, Water, Bottled
Recommended Citation
Wright, Virginia, "Poland Spring, a company that is owned by Nestle and that bottles the nations's" (2006). Maine News Index - Down East Magazine. 3124.
Down East