"Profile of architect Carol Wilson, who designs radically simple glass " by Edgar Allen Beem

Profile of architect Carol Wilson, who designs radically simple glass houses in


Down East




64-67, 90-92


Profile of architect Carol Wilson, who designs radically simple glass houses in a state where much of the architecture is traditional. She helped design Maine Audubon's environmental education center in Falmouth and on her own designed a cantilevered writer's studio on Mount Desert Island, a garden house on Prouts Neck, a modular housing concept in Falmouth titled House One, and two homes on Chebeague Island. A current project, a glass and steel house for Erik and Caitlin Mushial overlooking Casco Bay Bridge, was initially opposed by Portland city planners because of its modernity. Wilson is one of only four Maine architects ever elected to the American Institute of Architects' College of Fellows. Another was the legendary John Calvin Stevens.


Houses, Architects, Wilson, Carol

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