"The Talk of Maine" piece on Maine's Green Party, founded 25 years ago as the fi
"The Talk of Maine" piece on Maine's Green Party, founded 25 years ago as the first Green political organization in the country. Portland's Greens are the most successful branch in the country in terms of election results, while Maine has the highest percentage of registered Greens in the country. Ben Chipman, John Eder, and Ben Meiklejohn laid the foundation for the party's success, for which they also give credit to Portland's large population of young people. There has been conflict between Greens and the Democrats of Portland's long-dominant party, with some Democrats calling the Greens naive in their approach to achieving practical goals and noting that two Greens in elected positions were arrested.
Green Party, Eder, John, Meiklejohn, Ben, Chipman, Ben
Recommended Citation
Clark, Jeff, ""The Talk of Maine" piece on Maine's Green Party, founded 25 years ago as the fi" (2009). Maine News Index - Down East Magazine. 3686.
Down East