North by east : Other views


Down East






Commentary from around Maine includes: Banning lead ammunition for all hunting (currently there is a nationwide ban for hunting waterfowl with lead ammunition), as birds still suffer from lead poisoning when ingesting game that has been killed with lead ammunition. The federally listed threatened Canada lynx is being put in greater danger with the new ruling by the US Fish and Wildlife Service that replaces a consent decree that prohibited some traps and techniques considered high risk to lynx to allow an accidental capture of up to 195 lynx over the 15 year term of the incidental take permit. Other suggestions are made that would help protect the lynx. The apartment building fire where six people died, should also bring about stronger tenants’ rights and support services in Portland, in addition to reviewing city codes and inspection codes as the city has already undertaken.


Public opinion, Wildlife conservation, Rental housing--Law and legislation

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