Peaks Season: For the 900 or so year-round residents of Peaks Island, winter is a time to embrace the quiet, the cold, and the community.


Down East



Volume Number

VOL. 64, NO. 5


70-79; 92-96


A long article about the dynamics of island life on Peaks Island in the off-season months of winter. Conversations with islanders and their methods of surviving and thriving in a small town community that happens to be part of Maine's largest city. [Images]


Off-Season, Tourist Attraction, Winter, Community, Island Life, Lisa Penalver, Peaks Island Council, Seasonal Community, Isolation, Jessica Townes George, Marty Mulkern, Naomi George, May Winter, Simone Daranyi, Liz Johnson, Randy Schaeffer, Horse Island Camp, Barbara Filipos, Angela Rotherham, Brackett Memorial United Methodist Church, Peaks Island History, "The Coney Island of Maine", Peaks Island Military Reservation, "Welfare Island", Amy Semon, jamie Semon, May Winter, Lisa Lynch, Ellen Huston, Peaks Cafe, Ferry, Celeste Bridgford, Hannigan's, Peaks Island Children's Workshop, Island Community Garden, Faith York, Larry York, Jim Greenwell, Emily Magal, Small Town Life, Rural Ministry, Peaks Island Ukelele Band, Peaks Fest, Isolation, Inclusion, Community

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