Maine Music Lore


Down East






From big bands to indie bands, eight surprising times that the beat of popular music history and trivia has thrummed through the Pine Tree State. Featuring stories about Duke Elliington, Pete Seeger, Dick Curless, Joni Mitchell, Elvis Presley, Jonathan Richman, Grateful Dead, and Arcade Fire.


Old Orchard Beach, Edward Kennedy Dike Ellington, Palace Ballroom, Cab Calloway, Count Basie, Cummings' Guest House, Sam Nanton, Mrs. Wagner, Dan Blaney, Daniel Young, Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, Bowdoin College, Blacklist, Pickard Theater, Campus Chest, Tom Holland, Weavers, Community Concerts, Joel Sherman, WBOR, Moses Asch, Folkways Records, Jeff Place, Smithsonian Folkways, The Complete Bowdoin College Concert, Silver Dollar, Dan Fulkerson, WABI, Trucker Music, Clifford Murphy, Damariscotta, Hejira, David Yaffe, Neil Young, Cross Country Road Trip, Strange Boy, Cumberland County Civic Center, Dick Edwards, Shrine, True Fans for Elvis, Velvet Underground, Lou Reed, Modern Lovers,Mike Hurley,The Belfast Cafe, Barbara Johnson Doyle, Barbara's Place, Belfast, Cape Elizabeth, Scott Herrick, Craig Herrick, Inn by the Sea, Oxford Plains Speedway, Dennis McNally, Jerry Garcia, Greg Martens, Bootlegs, Inn by the Sea Tape, Win Butler, Will Butler, Mount Desert Island, Alvino Rey, Leo Fender, Regine Chassagne, Recording Studio, Liza Rey Butler, Barn, Ned Butler, Merge, EP, Rebellion Lies, Video

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