"Pemasong," a summer house on 100 acres on Littlejohn Island, has been torn dow


Judith Gaines


Portland Monthly




46-49, 86-87


"Pemasong," a summer house on 100 acres on Littlejohn Island, has been torn down and replaced by the mansion-like estates of Littlejohn Shores. Lydia Soule and her husband, Henchman, built the house, and the family held it for more than 130 years. Littlejohn was eventually linked by bridge to Cousins Island, joined by bridge to the mainland. Great-great grandson Colin "Rip" Cunningham bought out the extended family's shares and built a new home just feet from the original. He sold land to pay his debts and transferred two parcels to the Yarmouth land trust. Developer Mike Emmons bought 48 acres of the pristine property for $4.65 million and was allowed only five house lots by Cunningham, who says he is pleased by the style of the new homes, though he regrets having had to sell the land and demolish the house.


Houses Littlejohn Island

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