Profile of Josephine Diebitsch, who married polar explorer Robert E. Peary. Sh
Additional Date Information
Feb-Mar 2009
47, 94-95
Profile of Josephine Diebitsch, who married polar explorer Robert E. Peary. She kept her marriage together after he fell in love with an Inuit woman, became a best-selling author, and retired at the end of her life to 290 Baxter Boulevard in Portland. She was a veteran of half a dozen polar expeditions and outlived her husband by three decades. Robert Peary's gift to Josephine on her 50th birthday was a custom-designed necklace of Maine gem tourmalines.
Recommended Citation
Erikson, Patricia, "Profile of Josephine Diebitsch, who married polar explorer Robert E. Peary. Sh" (2009). Maine News Index – Portland Monthly. 1565.
Portland Monthly