Chowder; A Tasty Blend of the Fabulous, the Eyebrow Raising, and the Just Plain Wrong
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Maine Imagined- Maine a romantic drama premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival. Donut Zen- Leigh Kellis, owner of Holy Donut has published a book called Women Who Need Donuts about coming to terms with body image. Not Your Grandfather's Sirloin- Freshiez-a company that delivers organic, artisanal plant-based meat is launching the Meatless Butcher Box. Maine-Made Soundtrack- Selena Gomez recorded a song for the show 13 Reasons Why which was created by South Portland singer-songwriter, Amy Allen. Fake Indiana Faux- Artist Robert Indiana who was in poor health has been found dead at his Star of Hope Lodge on Vinalhaven. His death follows a federal lawsuit filed against his caregivers who had sold fraudulent works by Indiana.
Wes Acker, The Meatless Butcher, Jamie Thomas, Michael McKenzie, Morgan Art Foundation, American Image Art
Recommended Citation
"Chowder; A Tasty Blend of the Fabulous, the Eyebrow Raising, and the Just Plain Wrong" (2018). Maine News Index – Portland Monthly. 2263.
Portland Monthly