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Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg delivered the University of Maine Law School's eighth annual Judge Frank M. Coffin Lecture on Law and Public Service, on Monday evening 22 November 1999. The lecture was held at Portland's State Street Church. Addressing about 700 in attendance, Justice Ginsburg praised Pine Tree Legal Assistance in Maine, which she said provides legal representation that improves the economically impoverished and also has "fostered improvement in prison conditions and in mental health care." Ginsburg added, "Our system... works best when opposing positions are well-represented and fully aired." [The full-text article is attached- link at top right corner of this page.]
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Judges, University of Maine Law School, Legal assistance to the poor, Pine Tree Legal Assistance, Inc
Recommended Citation
Weinstein, Joshua L., "Ginsburg celebrates lawyering for public good" (1999). Maine News Index – Portland Press Herald. 15506.
Portland Press Herald