Maine News Index – Portland Press Herald | Maine News Index Online | Portland Public Library
Portland's long time newspaper of record, the Portland Press-Herald, began printing in November 1921 as Guy Patterson Gannett's merging of the Portland Daily Press (which began in 1862), and the Portland Herald (which was a short-lived successor of the Eastern Argus, which began in 1803). Gannett later purchased the Portland Evening Express, and the Portland Sunday Telegram, and by the 1940s, the Press-Herald as we know it today took shape as a daily newspaper.

The Library's Portland Room provides access to the complete run of the Press-Herald (as well as the Evening Express and Sunday Telegram, along with their predecessor newspapers) on microfilm.
An additional electronic resource, offering the Press-Herald fulltext, beginning in 1995 is the Maine Newsstand database, freely accessible in Maine via Digital Maine Library.


Submissions from 2024


Obituary of Madeleine Jean Gatchell Corson ("Maddy"), 87, of Portland., Eric Russell

Submissions from 2021


Obituary of Margaret Ann Gauthier ("Peggy"), 87, of Portland.

Submissions from 2001


Obituary of Frances W. Peabody (Frannie Peabody), 98, of Portland.

Submissions from 1999


Ginsburg celebrates lawyering for public good, Joshua L. Weinstein

Submissions from 1994

A $1,000-a-head cocktail party hosted by former President and Mrs. George H. W.

A 14-member panel created by Gov. McKernan to reduce discrimination in Maine has

A $14 million supplemental spending bill was approved yesterday by both houses o

A 15-year-old Auburn student was stabbed in the back after a food fight at Walto

A 19-member committee assembled by Portland Mayor Anne B Pringle to study a pro

A 200-page Industry and Commerce Plan drafted by a committee of Portland residen

A $2.8 million paving project on Interstate 295 will restrict southbound traffic

A 35-year-old woman yesterday was sexually assaulted in her bed at Maine Medical

A 49-year-old male teacher at Bonny Eagle High School has been arrested on charg

A 600-pound bull moose on Tuesday died after it leapt from the Route 201 overpas

A bankruptcy judge has agreed to a plan under which Peacock Aquaculture Group of

ABB Environmental Services in Portland is one of the many Maine businesses that

Abby Zimet piece on 15-year-old Edin Mehinovic, who was evacuated from Bosnia-He

A bill before the Legislature would allow communities to tax large apartment com

A bill passed Tuesday by the U.S. House of Representatives would offer American

A bill sponsored by House Speaker John L Martin would create a constitutional c

A biopsy of the bone marrow of Patrick McDonough, 2, of Wells, shows that the bo

A bogus television ad script attacking Jim Mitchell and praising Sen. John Balda

About 100 students, faculty, and staff members yesterday met at the University o

About 27,000 Maine business have been directed to report the names of new employ

About 400 students in grades five through eight at Yarmouth's Frank H Harrison

About 800 workers at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery left the yard for

A brief account of the fourth annual Hempstock festival, which was sponsored by

A brief mention in "Reporters' Notebook" that inmates at the Cumberland County J

A brief piece in "Reporters' Notebook" about Barry Valentine, the former manager

A bumper crop of contenders is beginning to emerge for the top jobs that will be

Acadia Insurance Co., a two-year-old, 150-employee property and casualty insuran

Acadia Insurance Co, a two-year-old firm established by Richard A Sawyer and R

According to Brunswick Fire Chief Gary Howard, the case involving a Brunswick pa

According to George W. Jahn, 78, the captain of the SS Jeremiah O'Brien, which i

According to police in Montgomery County, Maryland, Thomas Benjamin Spande, 21,

According to the federal census of 1990, only 20 percent of Maine's population h

According to the Maine Bureau of Health, there were 27 abortion providers in the

According to unofficial returns, Cumberland County sheriff Wesley Ridlon barely

Account of separate debates sponsored by Maine Public Television and featuring t

Accounts of town meetings in Brighton Plantation, Damariscotta, Kennebunkport, N

A coalition of Democrats and Republicans unhappy with House Speaker John Martin

A combination of high spring water levels and above-normal humidity levels this

A commission of business, labor and education officials last week delivered a re

A committee of the Scarborough Town Council has recommended a 1994-95 town and s

A committee to be named by Gov. McKernan and legislative leaders by August 13 wi

A comparison of the salaries paid to employees of the Portland school system and

A criminal trespass notice has been served on Joseph Emmons, a former teacher at

A crowd estimated at more than 500 yesterday marched from the Augusta armory to

A Cumberland County grand jury has indicted Dr. Robert W. Chagrasulis, 43, of Br

A Cumberland County grand jury has indicted Frances Circero, 40, of Portland on

A Cumberland County grand jury yesterday refused to indict Bill Crocker, 46, of

A Cumberland County Superior Court judge has sentenced Jeffrey S. Sirois, 33, to

Adam Dorey, 13, of Connecticut, burned by hot asphalt on Monday in an automobile

Addressing the Maine Legislature yesterday at one of several birthday celebratio

A December ruling by the state Board of Property Tax Review resulted in Bath Iro

A delegation of Vietnamese officials yesterday attended a cookout at the Scarbor

A. D. Gray Middle School in Waldoboro during the final two weeks of school allow

A document filed with the attorney for the city of Bath that predicted possible

A dozen Yarmouth youths between the ages of 15 and 18 have been hanging out in R

Adrienne Bruno, 10, of Raymond, will have her poem "Camera" published this month

A drug-use survey among students at Cape Elizabeth High School will be the subje

A dump truck loaded with 300-degree asphalt yesterday veered off Route 5 in Wate

Advertising page with an open letter to the people of Maine from Andrew W. Green

Advocates for Maine's working poor filed suit yesterday in U.S. District Court i

"Ad Watch" analyses television commercials of James B. Longley Jr., Kevin Keogh,

"Ad Watch " examines television advertisements of Thomas Allen, Richard Barringe

"Ad Watch" piece analyzing two political advertisements supporting state represe

"Ad Watch" piece and related story on a 60-second radio ad from U.S. represenati

"Ad Watch" piece examining a series of five ads from Democratic gubernatorial ca

"Ad Watch" piece examining political television ads supporting state representat

"Ad Watch" piece examining recent advertisements from independent gubernatorial

"Ad Watch" piece examining television ads from Democratic gubernatorial candidat

"Ad Watch" piece examining television commercials from Republican gubernatorial

"Ad Watch" piece examining television commercials of Bonnie Titcomb and G. Willi

"Ad Watch" piece on a new advertisement from independent gubernatorial candidate

"Ad Watch " piece on a new television ad from U.S. represenative Thomas Andrews,

"Ad Watch" piece on a new television advertisement from U.S. represenative Olymp

"Ad Watch" piece on a new television advertisement from U.S. represenative Olymp

"Ad Watch" piece on a new television advertisement from U.S. represenative Thoma

"Ad Watch" piece on a new television commercial from Angus King, independent can

"Ad Watch" piece on a new television commercial from Angus King, independent can

"Ad Watch" piece on a television ad for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Tom A

"Ad Watch" piece on a television ad for Sumner Lipman, a Republican gubernatoria

"Ad Watch" piece on a television advertisement from U.S. represenative Olympia J

"Ad Watch" piece on new television ads from Democratic gubernatorial candidate J

"Ad Watch" piece on new television advertisements from U.S. representatives Thom

"Ad Watch" piece on recent television ads from U.S. represenative Thomas Andrews

"Ad Watch" piece on recent television ads from U.S. Senate candidates Thomas And

"Ad Watch" piece on television ads for gubernatorial candidates Angus King, an i

"Ad Watch" piece on television ads from Robert Woodbury, Democratic candidate fo

"Ad Watch" piece on television advertisements from 2nd District congressional ca

"Ad Watch" piece on television advertisements from Democratic 2nd District congr

"Ad Watch" piece on television commercials being broadcast by 1st District congr

"Ad Watch" piece on the new television advertisement from Democratic gubernatori

"Ad Watch" piece on the new television advertisement from U.S. represenative Oly

"Ad Watch" piece on the recent television advertisement from Republican gubernat

"Ad Watch" piece on three new television ads from James Mitchell, Democratic can

"Ad Watch" piece on three new television ads from Joseph Brennan, Democratic can

"Ad Watch" piece on two new television ads from Democratic gubernatorial candida

"Ad Watch" piece on two new television ads from Jean Hay, Democratic candidate f