The Maine Forest Service released a report last week stating that the state's fo
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The Maine Forest Service released a report last week stating that the state's forests are being harvested at levels that will result in a shortfall by the year 2045. The service said that a balance could be achieved with partial-harvesting techniques and by increasing from about 4 percent to about 9 percent the number of acres managed using high-yield silvicultural practices. The report used the so-called Improved Yield Run model. Its solution for increasing productivity stands counter to the desire of Jonatnath Carter of Forest Ecology to decrease the harvest. With a detailed description of the arguments for each side of the debate over Maine's forestry and clear-cutting practices. Carter called it gratifying that the Forest Service was admitting that the forests were being overcut. With related editorial.
Clear-cutting, Forest management
Recommended Citation
Austin, Phyllis, "The Maine Forest Service released a report last week stating that the state's fo" (1998). Maine News Index – Maine Times. 3257.
Maine Times