
"Cover Story" piece on global warming. While carbon dioxide in the atmosphere m


Maine Times




4, 5, 6, 7


"Cover Story" piece on global warming. While carbon dioxide in the atmosphere might produce warmer temperatures, we might also be heading toward a new ice age. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a group of scientists convened by the United Nations Environment Programme, estimates that temperatures will increase 2 degrees Celsius (3.5 degrees F.) over the next 100 years. And officials at the Institute for Quaternary Studies at the University of Maine say the planet and its environment are in a constant state of flux. Institute Director George Jacobson says he has no doubt that we'll have another ice age in the next 3,000 years or so. Experts attending a recent Lewiston conference, "Global Climate Change in Maine, the Risks and Opportunities,"said, due to a current global warming trend, Maine is experiencing a rapid sea level rise, the state's streams could become too warm to support brook trout, and the types of agricultural production, timber growth and even animal life now common throughout Maine could change. In the interest of minimizing the adverse effects of so-called greenhouse gases, the Kyoto Protocol calls for the U.S. to significantly reduce its emissions by 2008-2012. The Maine State Planning Office has drafted a Climate Change Action Plan and assembled a Climate Change Task Force to assist in that effort.


Climatic changes, Conferences

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