"Cover Story" piece on the nutritional value of lunches offered in Maine's schoo
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"Cover Story" piece on the nutritional value of lunches offered in Maine's schools. Dr. Dora Anne Mills, head of the Maine Bureau of Health, notes that nationwide, the incidence of obesity has risen by 40 percent in the past 10 years, and trends in Maine are similar. Mills is supporting changes in school nutrition programs through $8.35 million in tobacco settlement-funded grants to 31 schools and communities. State senator Marge Kilkelly, D-Wiscasset, a member of the Legislature's Agriculture Committee, is sponsoring legislation this session that would allow the state to increase its financial support of school food programs while also promoting local buying. With details about state and federal funding for school lunches. Also with three vegetarian recipes adapted from Barbara Raymond's school lunch menus. Raymond is the food service director for Augusta-area students.
School lunches
Recommended Citation
Haskell, Meg, ""Cover Story" piece on the nutritional value of lunches offered in Maine's schoo" (2001). Maine News Index – Maine Times. 5032.
Maine Times