"Cover Story" piece on $147 million worth of bond issues facing voters on Nov. 6
1, 10-11
"Cover Story" piece on $147 million worth of bond issues facing voters on Nov. 6. Embarking on the biggest road reconstruction program in three decades, the Department of Transportation is asking for $61 million, most of which would be used to rebuild 200 miles of road. Almost half of the state's 8,300 miles of road were built before 1954 and have seen only resurfacing since. A rival in urgency to the condition of state roads is the shortage of affordable housing, particularly in southern Maine. Question 1 on the ballot asks for $12 million for housing, with $10 million for renovating and replacing lower-cost apartments and homes, and $2 million for housing for domestic violence victims. Other bond money would go to renovating old school buildings, biomedical and marine research, higher education, and pollution cleanup.
Maine Bond issues
Recommended Citation
Burnett, Lee, ""Cover Story" piece on $147 million worth of bond issues facing voters on Nov. 6" (2001). Maine News Index – Maine Times. 5600.
Maine Times