
Portland Press Herald Still-Film Negatives Collection
Document Type
Still Image
Call number of Original
PH 6 MAY 2000 and PH 10 FEB 2001
Contributing Institution
Portland Public Library Special Collections & Archives
Portland, Cumberland, Maine, USA
Creation Date
Format of Original
35mm color negatives
Views of The Root Cellar, 94 Washington Avenue, an East End social outreach and youth activities center.
The Root Cellar was created by Portland Mennonite church, The Church of the Servant, in 1984. From the church's location at 35 Lafayette Street, the Root Cellar moved to a storefront at 94 Washington Avenue. The storefront was replaced by a larger, customized building, with medical and dental clinics, classroom spaces, soup kitchen, and food distribution services in 2001. The grand opening of the new building at 94 Washington Avenue, completely financed by charitable donations, was on 8 September 2001.
Photo at right: Pat Iriana speaking to group. Dale Carlson (a co-founder of the Root Cellar, standing at right, near front windows).
Photo published in the Portland Press Herald, on 6 May 2000.
Photo at top left: Construction of enlarged Root Cellar building, 94 Washington Avenue, from southeast.
Photo published in the Portland Press Herald, on 10 February 2001.
Photo at bottom left taken by Abraham A. Schechter.
The November-December 2001 Root Cellar newsletter can be downloaded at the link, below.
Recommended Citation
"The Root Cellar, 2000 and 2001" (2000). Businesses & Buildings - Portland Press Herald Still Film Negatives. 155.
NOV-DEC 2001 Root Cellar newsletter
Portland, Me., East End, Munjoy Hill, Social resources, The Root Cellar