
Portland Press Herald Still-Film Negatives Collection
Document Type
Still Image
Call number of Original
Contributing Institution
Portland Public Library Special Collections & Archives
Portland, Cumberland, Maine, USA
Creation Date
Format of Original
4 x 5" gelatin silver negative
Full view of Portland Stadium, 271 Park Avenue, from southwest. Portland High School Football Stadium, and Deering Oaks in background. Portion of Oakdale neighborhood at left.
The occasion for this photograph was the completion of grandstand improvements, anticipating the Portland Pilots' baseball season. The Pilots were a New England League class B minor league baseball team, from 1946-1949. In 1947-48, the Pilots were managed by Maine native and former Brooklyn Dodgers player Del Bissonette.
Locals referred to home runs hit to left field, and left-center field as "out to Piker's Peak."
The ballpark's site later became that of Hadlock Field.
Photo published in the Portland Press Herald, on 4 May 1948
Additional photo at link below shows a Portland Pilots game in progress, with "Piker's Peak" in the background.
Recommended Citation
"Portland Stadium, 1948" (1948). Businesses & Buildings - Portland Press Herald Still Film Negatives. 349.
Portland Pilots baseball game, at Portland Stadium
Portland, Me., Parkside, Park Avenue, Portland Stadium, Hadlock Field, Baseball