
Portland Press Herald Still-Film Negatives Collection
Document Type
Still Image
Call number of Original
TL 22 JUL 1990
Contributing Institution
Portland Public Library Special Collections & Archives
Portland, Cumberland, Maine, USA
Creation Date
Format of Original
35mm gelatin silver negative
Interior view of counter area in the Neon Diner, 653 Congress Street. Waitress Krista Gronlund, holding tray. The Neon opened in December 1989.
Quote from the Maine Sunday Telegram:
"An urban eatery that comes pretty close ot being all things to all people. The clientele is as varied as the tunes in the jukebox. On a recent weekday night, customers included an elderly gent wearing a 1940s suit (complete with fedora), a family of four, all dressed in shorts and t-shirts, and a trendy couple wearing fluorescent sneakers and gold chains."
[653 Congress Street, immediately east of the Trelawny Building, had previously been home to Soule's Candy Kitchen]
Photo published in the Maine Sunday Telegram, on 22 July 1990
Recommended Citation
"Neon Diner, 1990" (1990). Businesses & Buildings - Portland Press Herald Still Film Negatives. 537.