Feature article about Portland's peace activists who turned out on Oct. 19 to ce
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Feature article about Portland's peace activists who turned out on Oct. 19 to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Washington-based War Resisters' League by staging an event called "A Day Without the Pentagon." An impressive array of organizations were represented by those who gathered for the event at Monument Square. The organizations represented included the Women's International League for Peace and Justice; Peace Action Maine (PAM); Maine Veterans for Peace (MVFP); Pax Christi of Maine (PCM); Catholic Charities of Maine; Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR); the Prince of Peace/Plowshares Support Group; Let Cuba Live (LCL); and the YWCA. With special focus on group leaders including Jack Bussell of MVFP, Wells Staley-Mays of PSR, Rosalie Paul of PAM, Bill Slavick of PCM and Stan Lofchie of LCL, and how they respond to those who are critical of their philosophies.
Peace groups, Protests, demonstrations, etc
Recommended Citation
Dammann, Allen, "Feature article about Portland's peace activists who turned out on Oct. 19 to ce" (1998). Maine News Index – Casco Bay Weekly. 2481.
Casco Bay Weekly