"Cover Story" piece on the sudden appearance of the Stars and Stripes on almost
10-11, 13, 1
"Cover Story" piece on the sudden appearance of the Stars and Stripes on almost every store, home and vehicle in Portland since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. While the omnipresence of the Stars and Stripes is a comforting sight for many people, it makes others uncomfortable because, to them, it is indicative of a mob mentality that implies intolerance for outsiders or those with dissenting views of the government's policies. Such people fear the terrorist attacks have succeeded by causing Americans to undermine their own values of tolerance and free speech. With special focus on several local business people and individuals who responded to the attacks by mass-producing symbols of patriotism for widespread distribution, and others why others refused to get caught up in the Stars-and-Stripes mania.
Flags -- United States, Patriotism
Recommended Citation
Phillips, Autumn, ""Cover Story" piece on the sudden appearance of the Stars and Stripes on almost" (2001). Maine News Index – Casco Bay Weekly. 4368.
Casco Bay Weekly