A detailed look at the "two Biddefords." The town known for its fractious politi
48-53, 77-80
A detailed look at the "two Biddefords." The town known for its fractious politics and gritty city center is becoming a place where former mill buildings are being renovated to house artists and carpenters, among others. People are discovering the beauties of one of the last ungentrified urban areas in southern Maine. The city ended municipal primaries and curtailed mayoral power, both of which had fueled partisan politics; and a secession effort by coastal sections of the town was dropped. The leader of the secession attempt, retired four-star general Wallace Nutting, is now mayor. A key to the revitalization is rebuilding the town's self-esteem. Details.
Biddeford, Urban renewal
Recommended Citation
Wright, Virginia, "A detailed look at the "two Biddefords." The town known for its fractious politi" (2007). Maine News Index - Down East Magazine. 3385.
Down East