Low voter turnout is expected on June 12 as Portland voters decide an unconteste
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Low voter turnout is expected on June 12 as Portland voters decide an uncontested School Committee election and a million-dollar bond for the Portland Public Library. Signs and fliers have popped up around the city during the past week asking voters to support spending $1 million on the library's proposed move to the former Portland Public Market. Steve Podgajny, library executive director, said he has been encouraged by recent neighborhood meetings on the plan. A group calling itself Portlanders for Education and Economical Priorities (PEEP) has come out in opposition to the move. Jed Rathband believes the library move is not well planned and could have negative repercussions for Monument Square.
Portland Public Library, Portland Public Market, Monument Square Portland
Recommended Citation
Bucklin, Kate, "Low voter turnout is expected on June 12 as Portland voters decide an unconteste" (2007). Maine News Index – Portland Forecaster. 13.
Portland Forecaster