Portland voters yesterday rejected a measure that would have funded moving the m
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Portland voters yesterday rejected a measure that would have funded moving the main branch of the Portland Public Library to the former Portland Public Market building. Fifty-six percent of those casting ballots voted against adding $1 million to the $4 million approved in 2004 to renovate the existing library building at 5 Monument Square. Nathan Smith, vice president of the library board of trustees, said the opportunity to move to the former market was one the library board felt it had to at least try for. Jed Rathband, a local consultant who led a small opposition group, said he hopes the library renews its energy in reinventing the Monument Square space.
Portland Public Library, Portland Public Market, Elections 2007, Smith, Nathan H, Rathband, Jed
Recommended Citation
Bucklin, Kate, "Portland voters yesterday rejected a measure that would have funded moving the m" (2007). Maine News Index – Portland Forecaster. 44.
Portland Forecaster.