Mainebiz, a statewide bi-weekly business news and entrepreneurship publication, beginning in 1994 as Biz, and continuing as Mainebiz starting in 1998.
Portland Public Library's hardcopy collection is available in the Portland Room.


Submissions from 2000

"New Ventures." Profile of the Mouse Bungee Company in East Winthrop and invent, Ruth Riddick

The Maine attorney general's office accused MaineHealth, a consortium of healthc, Ruth Riddick

The Workforce Investment Act will require the Cumberland County Training Resourc, Ruth Riddick

Journal of Scott Roberts, chief operating offficer of Winthrop-based CommTel, w, Scott W. Roberts and Scott Sutherland

Detailed article by a Portland Press Herald photographer on the recent use of hi, David A. Rodgers and Scott Sutherland

Lengthy profile of Poland Spring water bottlers. The major Maine natural resour, Douglas Rooks

"Mixed Media." Book review of "Maine's Achieving Women" by Mary Lyons of Old Or, Taylor Smith

"Business Maine" columns by senatorial candidates Olympia J. Snowe and Mark Law, Olympia J. Snowe and Mark Lawrence

"Letters to the editor." Detailed letter responding to Christopher Hyde's artic, Bud Solari

Explanations of the tax implications for stockholders of mergers by Unum and Han, CA Soule

Lengthy, detailed profile of the "alternative news" market in Portland. It incl, CA Soule and Jesse Deupree

Ann Morrissey and Bradford Hunter of Fleet Bank, Bob Masterson of Maine Savings, Scott Sutherland

Augusta, not Portland, might become Maine's equivalent to Silicon V, Scott Sutherland

"Business and the Arts." Profile of Brunswick Area Arts & Cultural Alliance, di, Scott Sutherland

"Business Maine." As a result of its sale to the Libra Foundation. the Pineland, Scott Sutherland

"Business Maine." Comments of houseware designer Angela Adams of Portland., Scott Sutherland

"Business Maine." Profile of the survey planned for the city of Portland's high, Scott Sutherland

"Business Maine." Richard Violette is offering the Capital City Golf Course in, Scott Sutherland

"Business Maine." The Libra Foundation of Portland finalized its $16.5 million, Scott Sutherland

Editorial. Despite the comments of a recent "Inc." magazine story, Portland e-c, Scott Sutherland

"Editorial" on identity theft (see story of 12 June 2000), including comments of, Scott Sutherland

Editorial related to "Mainebiz focus" articles, on business' role in education., Scott Sutherland

Lengthy, detailed article on the Libra Foundation's plan to buy the Pineland Cen, Scott Sutherland

"Mixed Media." Lewiston Sun Journal will introduce a central and western Maine, Scott Sutherland

"Mixed Media." The newspaper Maine Times should limit itself to northern Maine., Scott Sutherland

"Mixed Media." WMTW Broadcast Group, which also runs a Portland television stat, Scott Sutherland

"Mized Media." Profile of Interface Business Monthly, the Portland-based magazi, Scott Sutherland

"Newsworthy." Comments of Ted Ney, head of the Old Port Retail and Restaurant A, Scott Sutherland

"Newsworthy." Portland attorney Sally Morris represents three Mexican migrant w, Scott Sutherland

"Newsworthy." Profile of Ashok Nalamapu, president of iCST in South Portland an, Scott Sutherland

"Newsworthy." Profile of John Diamond, owner of Electoral College Sportswear &, Scott Sutherland

"Newsworthy." Profile of Martin Grimnes, chief executive of Brunswick Technolog, Scott Sutherland

Profile of Westbrook's Big Sound recording studio, which is for sale., Scott Sutherland

"The Business of Advertising." Profile of the Broderson Awards of the Advertisi, Scott Sutherland

"The Maine food and agriculture index." 32 detailed Maine agricultural statisti, Scott Sutherland

The recent real estate boom fueled by summer residents has hit locals like Harps, Scott Sutherland

Detailed profiles of the finalists and winners of the Maine Businesses for Socia, Scott Sutherland and Scott M. Lewis

"Mainebiz focus." Lengthy, detailed article on the proposed office tower in Por, Scott Sutherland, Virginia Wright, and Michaela Cavallaro

"Commentary" column on the proposed Business Equipment Property Tax Reimbursemen, Lance Tapley

Detailed of discussion of the controversy over the federally-mandated demolition, Lance Tapley

"Focus." Maine does not regulate home building or remodeling, a task undertaken, Lance Tapley

Lengthy, detailed "Mainebiz focus" article on environmental impacts of the Maine, Lance Tapley

"Mainebiz focus." Lengthy, detailed article on environmental problems at the Ma, Lance Tapley

"Mainebiz focus." MBNA is planning to move into downtown Rockland, where it wil, Lance Tapley

"Mainebiz focus." The Department of Environmental Protection's new Voluntary, Lance Tapley

"Mainebiz focus." The legislature is considering a bill to eliminate corporate, Lance Tapley

"Newsworthy." Profile of the old York County Jail and new owner Michael Kaplan., Lance Tapley

"New Ventures." Profile of Community Rising, a community-supported agriculture, Lance Tapley

Profile of the Maine trucking industry, combatting a labor shortage, low salarie, Lance Tapley

The merger of Unum and Provident insurance companies has been the source of many, Lance Tapley

The University of Maine accepted the Hutchinson Center, a new, computer-furnishe, Lance Tapley

After much debate, corporate accountability bills before the legislature have be, Lance Tapley and Scott Sutherland

Detailed advertisement from ERA Webb realtors on the value of real estate invest, Bob Webb

Two detailed letters to the editor by Maine business owners on the local growth, Joan Wheeler and Judy Tripp

"Business Maine." Brunswick Technologies continues to fight a hostile takeover, Tory Wright

"By the Numbers." Detailed list of the 10 businesses receiving the largest pena, Tory Wright

"By the Numbers." Detailed list of the 10 largest banks in Maine, ranked by ass, Tory Wright

"By the Numbers." Detailed list of the 10 largest hotels in Maine, with their a, Tory Wright

"By the Numbers." Detailed list of the 10 largest law firms in Maine, with the, Tory Wright

"By the Numbers." Detailed list of the 10 largest loans from the Finance Author, Tory Wright

"By the Numbers." Detailed list of the 10 Maine biotechnology companies with th, Tory Wright

"By the Numbers." Detailed list of the 10 Maine colleges and universities with, Tory Wright

"By the Numbers." Detailed list of the 10 Maine credit unions with the greatest, Tory Wright

"By the Numbers." Detailed list of the 10 Maine private schools with the larges, Tory Wright

"By the Numbers." Detailed list of the 10 Maine public companies with the great, Tory Wright

"By the Numbers." Detailed list of the 11 largest Maine nursing homes and assis, Tory Wright

"By the Numbers." Detailed list of the 15 largest commercial property leases in, Tory Wright

"By the Numbers." Detailed list of the 15 Maine automobile dealerships with the, Tory Wright

"By the Numbers." Detailed list of the 9 largest ports in New England, which in, Tory Wright

"By the Numbers." Detailed list of the fifteen largest biotechnology firms in M, Tory Wright

"Top Maine Chambers of Commerce." Detailed table of the 10 largest chambers in, Tory Wright

"Business and the Arts." Profile of the Great Kennebec River Whatever Family Fe, Virginia Wright

Nearly all of Maine's 1,638 adult prison inmates work jobs, although only 121 ea, Virginia Wright

"Newsworthy." Profile of Teamster Skip Arcouette and the trucking strike again, Virginia Wright

"New Ventures." Profile of Portland Shellfish, the largest producer of Jonah Cr, Virginia Wright

Submissions from 1999

"Building Permits." Descriptions and costs of 38 projects covered by Portland b

"Building Permits." Descriptions and costs of the projects covered by 42 Portla

"Business Maine." Brief articles on the University of Maine's new Franklin hatch

"Business Maine." Brief articles using the Bangor Daily News, Central Maine News

"Business Maine." Brief articles using the Bangor Daily News, Sun Journal, Journ

"Business Maine." Brief summaries of articles from Maine newspapers on a federal

"Business Maine." Brief summaries of articles from Maine newspapers on economic

"Business Maine." Brief summaries of articles from Maine newspapers on the addit

"Business Maine." Brief summaries of articles from Maine newspapers on the workf

"Business Maine." In 1998 Maine led the nation in job growth; Comair flights fr

"Business Maine." Maine could weather a recession without government spending c

"By the Numbers." List of the 20 largest Maine credit unions, with details on a

"By the Numbers." List of the top 25 Small Business Administration loans distri

Detailed discussion of the removal of Edwards Dam from the Kennebec River, inclu

Detailed findings of the Strategic Marketing Services Omnibus Poll on public opi

Detailed profile of the Maine Mall and analysis of its future potential from num

"Eating & Drinking Around Town." Profiles of Bruno D. V. Marino of the Portland

Editorial column on the Valentine bandit, who pastes paper imprinted with hearts

Editorial criticicising the vandalism to Starbucks Coffee in Portland that resul

Editorial expressing satisfaction that Central Maine Power's agreement with Flo

Editorial on gender income disparity in Maine, documented by the Maine Economic

Editorial on Joe Soley's announcement that he is selling his 17 properties in Po

Editorial on rankings of state legislators by the Maine Chamber of Commerce on t

Editorial on the new Merrill Lynch building at the bunker in Portland. Related

Editorial praising George Neavoll, the former editorial page editor of the Portl