Lengthy article analyzing the successes and failures of Maine's Dirigo Health pr
Lengthy article analyzing the successes and failures of Maine's Dirigo Health program, which tries to control hospital costs, improve health care quality, and offer subsidized insurance to low-income people. Maine is a poor, rural state with many small businesses, seasonal workers, and a large elderly population. The state projected that 130,000 uninsured residents would enroll by 2009, but so far only 18,800 have signed up, 60 percent of whom were previously insured, though not as well. The coverage is comprehensive, but many find it too expensive. Gov. John Baldacci is proposing an overhaul that includes requiring that people have insurance and that employers offer it. With remarks by some who have chosen Dirigo coverage and others who can't afford it.
Dirigo Health
Recommended Citation
Belluck, Pam, "Lengthy article analyzing the successes and failures of Maine's Dirigo Health pr" (2007). Maine News Index – Other Publications. 23.
New York Times