Forcing public school employees to undergo FBI background checks entered Maine'
Additional Date Information
Feb/Mar 2007
32-33, 80-83
Forcing public school employees to undergo FBI background checks entered Maine's political debate in 1995 when former governor Angus King signed the bill into law and vetoed efforts to repeal it. Several Maine teachers lost their jobs over their refusal to submit to mandatory fingerprinting. These "refusers" consider their decisions to be acts of conscience, driven by beliefs in intellectual freedom, the right to privacy and the assumption of innocence. With comments by "refusers" Bernie Huebner, Paul Bilota, Steve Smith, Genie Wheelwright and others. Ironically, the state clings to privacy considerations to justify its never having told Maine people whether of not the fingerprinting measure has been effective.
US Federal Bureau of Investigation, Fingerprints
Recommended Citation
Pratt, Bruce, "Forcing public school employees to undergo FBI background checks entered Maine'" (2007). Maine News Index – Portland Monthly. 1238.
Portland Monthly