Article about Maine Cellular and Maine Wireless, two cellular telephone companie
1C, 2C
Article about Maine Cellular and Maine Wireless, two cellular telephone companies vying for one of two cellular telephone franchises in Greater Portland. Long-established Maine Cellular, with about 11,500 customers, was stripped of its license last year because it failed to provide proof of its financial capability in its original license application. Maine Wireless, legally named Northeast Cellular, has been given a December 4 deadline by the Federal Communications Commission to gets its system into place in order to take over service of Maine Cellular, which has vowed to continue the fight to get its license back. Details.
Maine Cellular Telephone Co -- Portland, Northeast Cellular Telephone Co, Telephone companies
Recommended Citation
"Article about Maine Cellular and Maine Wireless, two cellular telephone companie" (1994). Maine News Index – Portland Press Herald. 13310.
Portland Press Herald