A recent public opinion poll conducted by The Portland Newspapes in conjunction



Portland Press Herald




1A, 14A


A recent public opinion poll conducted by The Portland Newspapes in conjunction with the Kennebec Journal and Central Maine Morning Sentinel shows that Mainers want modest changes made to the nation's health-care system, rather than a major overhall, and that they worry about losing their health care and also worry that they would not be able to afford it if they were to become seriously ill. Fifty-three percent of the residents polled believe government should increase access to health care, even at the cost of higher taxes, and 54 percent think all Americans should be covered, even at the cost of increased government deficits. With a related article briefly outlining the health-care positions of congressional candidates Dennis Dutremble and James Longley and of U.S. Senate candidates Thomas H. Andrews and Olympia J. Snowe.


Candidates -- Political -- 1994, Medical care, Public opinion polls

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