"Educational Endeavors" piece on "schoolyard violence" in Maine, about which the
4-8, 14
"Educational Endeavors" piece on "schoolyard violence" in Maine, about which there is little data. Past measurements are unreliable, because there is confusion about what the term encompasses, but a study of the 1997-98 school year is underway. The only available data is on students bringing handguns to school, a number that has dropped from 23 in 1995-96, to 13 in 1996-97. While administrators admit that certain types of unexpected violence are "nearly unpreventable," a crisis plan is necessary "for the most scary situation that could develop in a school." Schools are also trying to contain the more common and increasingly frequent acts of disruptive behavior, before they have the potential to escalate. Attorney General Andrew Ketterer is proud of a two-year-old program that uses civil- rights teams for middle- and high-school students, training a few students in each grade to handle complaints. Includes a profile of Stan Davis, a part-time counselor at the James Bean School in Sidney, who takes his "Bullying Project," to schools, trying to cut down on disruptive and anti-social behavior. With related editorial.
School violence
Recommended Citation
Skelton, Kathryn, ""Educational Endeavors" piece on "schoolyard violence" in Maine, about which the" (1998). Maine News Index – Maine Times. 3225.
Maine Times