
Portland Press Herald Still-Film Negatives Collection
Document Type
Still Image
Call number of Original
Contributing Institution
Portland Public Library Special Collections & Archives
Portland, Cumberland, Maine, USA
Creation Date
Format of Original
35mm gelatin silver negatives
View of Caffé Domus, 10 Exchange Street (lower level).
Top image: Neon sign, visible from the sidewalk on Exchange Street.
Center image: Co-owner Mary Levanti, at counter.
Bottom image: Co-owner Marnie MacDougall, serving a Caffé Domus customer from counter.
The café-restaurant opened in September 1977 (and closed in 1985), in a cellar space in Portland's Old Port district, and also featured live music.
From the accompanying Evening Express article:
"Caffé Domus has served a purpose in the Old Port area- in addition to providing food, beverages, and entertainment, it has tripled the traffic in the budding Exchange project.
It is, in fact, another peninsula success story.
Take an idea, nurture it with effort and funds, and whamo, you've got a waiting line.
'We're doing pretty well,' Levanti admitted. 'There was a need for Caffé Domus, and right now it's the only one in town. But I don't think it will be the only one for long.'"
Center photo (bottom photo was unpublished) in the Evening Express, on 10 March 1978.
[Additional Files link- below- has Caffé Domus menu]
Recommended Citation
"Caffé Domus, 1978" (1978). Businesses & Buildings - Portland Press Herald Still Film Negatives. 386.
Caffé Domus MENU - 1978
Portland, Me., Downtown Portland, Old Port, Businesses, Exchange Street, Menu