
Portland Press Herald Still-Film Negatives Collection
Document Type
Still Image
Call number of Original
PH 27 DEC 1998
Contributing Institution
Portland Public Library Special Collections & Archives
Portland, Cumberland, Maine, USA
Creation Date
Format of Original
35mm color negatives
Views of Espan's Quick Lunch, 5 Veranda Street.
The popular breakfast and lunch diner was at the heart of the East Deering community from 1948 through 2007. The diner was owned by owned by Nicholas and Lefcothea ("Lefty") Poulos. A photo of Nick's father Ernie Poulos at work in the diner can be seen at this link.
As quoted in the Maine Sunday Telegram, Nick explained, "The name was supposed to be Epan's- 'Ernest Poulos and Sons,' but the signmaker added an S. When he saw the mistake, the elder Poulos just sighed 'That's good enough.'"
Espan's daily hours were from 4:30am - 2pm. "Some people might look at our routine here and shrug, 'Oh, God!,' said Lefty, 'But we've made a lot of lifelong friends. That's what makes it bearable.'"
Longtime Espan's customer Joe D'Alfonso said, "When you walk in, it's almost as if people are expecting you."
Top left image: Full exterior view of the diner, from northwest.
Bottom left image: Espan's customers at counter, with Lefty Poulos at center.
Right image: Nick Poulos cooking.
Photos published in the Maine Sunday Telegram, on 27 December 1998
Recommended Citation
"Espan's Quick Lunch, 1998" (1998). Businesses & Buildings - Portland Press Herald Still Film Negatives. 533.