"Zeitman's Grocery Store, 1980"


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Portland Press Herald Still-Film Negatives Collection

Document Type

Still Image

Call number of Original

136795 and 136790

Contributing Institution

Portland Public Library Special Collections & Archives


Portland, Cumberland, Maine, USA

Creation Date


Format of Original

35mm gelatin silver negatives


Views of Zeitman's Grocery Store, 336 Fore Street.
The family-run grocery store began business in 1918, operated by Bessie Zeitman and sons Julius Zeitman and Jack Zeitman. Julius managed the store through its latter decades, living in the building as well, with his dog Horace and his cat Minnie.
As Jack recounted to the Evening Express: "Horace got away a couple of times and both times someone brought him back." Reporter Kim Murphy added, "Minnie was a good mouser who boxed with Jack and was fond of batting around a washer hanging from the end of a light cord in the store window."

Julius and Jack would keep the store open at night "for the convenience of island residents catching the last boat home."
After Julius passed away on 9 February 1980, the store was closed and the building sold. By December 1980, the ground floor became home to the restaurant and tavern Dock Fore.

Left image: Full exterior view of Zeitman's Grocery Store from west.
Right image: Jack Zeitman at the store counter.

See Additional Files link (below) for photo of Jack Zeitman near his Atlantic stove.

136790 fr03_WTM.TIF (6364 kB)
Jack Zeitman near Atlantic stove


Portland, Me., Old Port, Fore Street, Businesses


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Rights Statement

In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted.