North by East. Talk of Maine: War of Secession
38, 40-43
Some residents of rural Caribou want to secede from the urban part of Caribou. Those citizens formed the Caribou Secession Committee and presented their report to the Caribou City Council in June, citing they pay taxes for services in town that they do not use, the city ignores the needs of the rural residents, taxes are too high, municipal employees are overpaid, and that citizens do not have enough say in city government. They plan to call the newly formed town Lyndon, Caribou’s original name in the 19th century. The committee expects to submit a secession bill to the state legislature in January and that there be a referendum vote in June 2016.
Secession, Caribou (Me.)
Recommended Citation
Beem, Edgar Allen, "North by East. Talk of Maine: War of Secession" (2015). Maine News Index - Down East Magazine. 4409.
Down East