Article about some of the crazy tension-relieving ways Portland people let off t
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Article about some of the crazy tension-relieving ways Portland people let off tax-deadline steam yesterday, the last day to file income tax returns. In the Maine Mall in South Portland, taxpayers paid $2.00 for the chance to throw cream pies at Joseph Janco, the Portland district manager for H&R Block, with proceeds going to the Ronald McDonald House. In Portland a group of accountants participated in the CPA 1040 EZ Fun Race, in which they ran from Monument Square to the main post office with their clients' returns. The race is intended to relieve the blues accountants get at the end of the tax season.
Taxation -- Income tax
Recommended Citation
"Article about some of the crazy tension-relieving ways Portland people let off t" (1994). Maine News Index – Portland Press Herald. 12381.
Portland Press Herald