At a hastily called news conference held at the Portland International Jetport,
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At a hastily called news conference held at the Portland International Jetport, Maine Attorney General Michael E Carpenter said he believes that there was a racial component to a series of controntations that occurred between October of last year and March 7 between black students from Portland's Deering High School and white students from Cheverus High Schools Carpenter warned that the students involved face serious charges -- His remarks concerning "tensions" at the schools has left officials at both schools at bit baffled and with the belief that the incidents are being blown out of proportion -- Briefly outlines the history of the events leading to the conference
Hate crimes -- Portland, High school students, Racism, Carpenter, Michael E
Recommended Citation
"At a hastily called news conference held at the Portland International Jetport," (1994). Maine News Index – Portland Press Herald. 11936.
Portland Press Herald