Doctors at Maine Medical Center in Portland on Thursday voted 80-79 not to accep
Doctors at Maine Medical Center in Portland on Thursday voted 80-79 not to accept as equal the creditials of their Osteopathic colleagues at Brighton Medical Center, which is also in Portland. The vote temporarily derails plans to consolidate the two facilities, but proponents of the merger believe the setback is temporary and that the problems can be resolved. Doctors who are trained as M.D.s and who practice as specialists question whether the training given Ostepathic doctors practicing as a specialists is equivalent to that demanded of M.D.s.
Brighton Medical Center -- Portland, Hospitals -- Portland, Physicians
Recommended Citation
"Doctors at Maine Medical Center in Portland on Thursday voted 80-79 not to accep" (1994). Maine News Index – Portland Press Herald. 14774.
Portland Press Herald