The Casco Bay Weekly, a free alternative weekly newspaper, ran from 1988 to 2004. In its early years, CBW’s journalists tackled controversial issues in depth, the writing and reporting often flavored with humor and irreverence.
Each print issue will be microfilmed for preservation purposes and the originals will be stored in archival boxes in the library’s off-site storage facility.
The 1988-1992 issues of the paper are indexed in the Maine News Index card file in the Portland Room, while later issues (November 25, 1992 through November 21, 2002) are indexed here on the Maine News Index online. Full-text PDFs of the paper can be accessed here.
Submissions from 1997
"Nocturnal Emissions" piece on the weekend jazz series at Grill 36 on Market Str, Zoe S. Miller
Review of a group exhibition at Frost Gully Gallery in Portland. The exhibition, Wyatt Mitchell
Review of an exhibit of works by sculptor Michael Stasiuk, currently showing at, Wyatt Mitchell
Review of an exhibit of works by Uta Barth, currently showing at the Maine Colle, Wyatt Mitchell
Review of an exhibit of works on paper by Jasper Johns, currently showing at the, Wyatt Mitchell
Review of "Images from Brooklyn," an exhibit of works by Susan Griswold, current, Wyatt Mitchell
Review of "Same Journey, Different Path," an exhibit of works by Richard Lee, Ev, Wyatt Mitchell
Reviews of "Paintings from Mount Desert Island," an exhibit featuring works by K, Wyatt Mitchell
Essay on attending an early-season Portland Sea Dogs baseball game on a cold May, J Barry Mothes
"Sportland" piece on Bradbury Mountain in Bradbury Mountain State Park in Pownal, J Barry Mothes
"Sportland" piece on Bryan Trottier, 41, the new coach of the Portland Pirates o, J Barry Mothes
"Sportland" piece on Fore Season Golf on Forest Avenue. Fore Season has five fu, J Barry Mothes
"Sportland" piece on ice skating conditions at Deering Oaks pond in Portland., J Barry Mothes
"Sportland" piece on John Donovan of Portland, who has two 40-foot-long, clay-pi, J Barry Mothes
"Sportland" piece on Nancy Becker, 35, of Portland, the founder of the new Portl, J Barry Mothes
"Sportland" piece on Play It Again Sports on Marginal Way in Portland. The stor, J Barry Mothes
"Sportland" piece on roller hockey at Cornelia Warren Rink in Westbrook. The fo, J Barry Mothes
"Sportland" piece on Roy Nelles and Anita Flores, husband and wife, counselors w, J Barry Mothes
"Sportland" piece on the Belfast Curling Club, a sports and social club of curli, J Barry Mothes
"Sportland" piece on the Maine Cricket Club., J Barry Mothes
"Sportland" piece on the U.S. Luge Association clinic last weekend in Portland., J Barry Mothes
Story of two Portland Sea Dogs: shortstop Alex Gonzalez and pitcher Greg Mix. G, J Barry Mothes
"Letters." Six readers praise Kate Webb and respond to gossip in a previous CBW, Anne Sibley O'Brien, Howard Solomon, and Agan
"Edge" piece on the Harley-Davidson Owners Group, which holds a HOG rally in Por, Connie Pacillo
Autobiographical "Outta My Way" piece on the need to own outdoor "gear" in Maine, Elizabeth Peavey
Feature article on some of the store clerks that make Portland a good place to l, Elizabeth Peavey
"Outta My Way." Response to a recent Maine Sunday Telegram piece by Bowdoin alu, Elizabeth Peavey
Joel Eckhaus says his ukelele-mandolin-and-saw band, The Pinetones, is unique in, Jim Pinfold
Profile of Ron Cody, 32, a local dentist and banjo player. Cody is the founder, Jim Pinfold
"Congress Street Minutes" piece on a visit to Portland by members of The Communi, Annie Seikonia
"Congress Street Minutes" piece on "A Woman's History Walking Trail in Portland,, Annie Seikonia
"Congress Street Minutes" piece on Paul's Food Center at 585 Congress Street, th, Annie Seikonia
"Congress Street Minutes" piece on the Bicycle Coalition of Maine and the 1998 ", Annie Seikonia
"Congress Street Minutes" piece on the difficulty of recycling trash in Portland, Annie Seikonia
"Congress Street Minutes" piece on the dogs Annie Seikonia enounters in Portland, Annie Seikonia
"Congress Street Minutes" piece on the Spring Street Fire Museum. The museum is, Annie Seikonia
"Congress Street Minutes" piece on Videoport on Middle Street in Portland. The, Annie Seikonia
"Congress Street Minutes" piece profiling some of Portland's cafes, including Ja, Annie Seikonia
"Congress Street Minutes" piece, second in a two-part series on Portland's solid, Annie Seikonia
Review of "The 8x10 Show," currently showing at the Maine Photo Co-op on Oak Str, Annie Seikonia
"Short Cuts" piece on "The Pain and the Pinkerton Thugs," the new CD from The Pi, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece reviewing "Rooms by the Hour," the new CD by the Portland ban, Dan Short
"Short Cuts." Review of the compact disc "And Farewell to Hightide," cassette t, Dan Short
"Essay" piece by Daniel Skwire, a trustee of Greater Portland Landmarks, in resp, Daniel Skwire
"Essay" piece by Betsy Smith, president of the Maine Lesbian/Gay Political Allia, Betsy Smith
"Edge" piece on the upcoming theater season in Portland., Mary Stamatel
Review of "Das Barbecu" at Portland Stage Company and "Durang, Durang . . . Exp, Mary Stamatel
Review of the Mad Horse Theatre Company production of William Shakespeare's "Ham, Mary Stamatel
Review of the Portland Stage Company production of Diderot's "Rameau's Nephew.", Mary Stamatel
Reviews of Samuel Beckett's "Footfalls," "Not I," and "Ohio Impromptu," current, Mary Stamatel
Reviews of the Portland Stage Company production of Athol Fugard's "Valley Song,, Mary Stamatel
"Stage" piece on "Cross-Dressing in the Depression," at the Oak Street Theater i, Mary Stamatel
"Stage" piece on the Mad Horse Theatre production of Heather McCutcheon's "Alaba, Mary Stamatel
"Stage" piece on the Mad Horse Theatre production of Kevin Kling's "Lloyd's Pray, Mary Stamatel
"Stage" piece on the Mad Horse Theatre production of "Misery.", Mary Stamatel
"Stage" piece on the Mad Horse Theatre production of "The Scarlet Letter.", Mary Stamatel
"Stage" piece on the Oak Street Theatre production of "Ruthless! The Musical," c, Mary Stamatel
"Stage" piece on the Oak Street Theatre production of Sam Shepard's "Buried Chil, Mary Stamatel
"Stage" piece on the Oak Street Theatre production of Shauna Kanter's "Pushing T, Mary Stamatel
"Stage" piece on the Portland Stage Company production of Ellen McLaughlin's "Ip, Mary Stamatel
"Stage" piece on the Portland Stage Company production of Tennessee Williams' "T, Mary Stamatel
"Stage" piece on the Portland Stage Company production of William Shakespeare's, Mary Stamatel
"Stage" piece on The Public Theatre production of Edward Albee's "Seascape," cur, Mary Stamatel
"Stage" piece on the Vintage Repertory Company production of Edward Albee's "Tin, Mary Stamatel
"Stage" piece on the Vintage Repertory productions of Harold Pinter's "The Lover, Mary Stamatel
"Media Miss" piece on Face magazine, a biweekly music publication distributed to, Colleen Sumner
"Media Miss" piece on Maine Public Television. MPTV's parent corporation, Maine, Colleen Sumner
"Media Miss" piece on WCSH-TV's recent two-part series on women's sports. The s, Colleen Sumner
"Media Miss" piece on "What You Need To Know About Managed Care," a video on man, Colleen Sumner
A new Maine law allows individuals to remove unfinished bottles of wine from a r, Scott Sutherland
"Edge" piece on Aucocisco, the annual celebration of Casco Bay and the Portland, Scott Sutherland
"Edge" piece on changes in Portland's club scene. Valerie Levy, 29, of Scarboro, Scott Sutherland
"Edge" piece on Crank, an advertising agency started by Chris Kast, 37, and Mark, Scott Sutherland
"Edge" piece on financial problems at Mad Horse Theatre and Vintage Repertory Co, Scott Sutherland
"Edge" piece on Mitchell Rasor, 29, of Pownal, a musician who recently released, Scott Sutherland
"Edge" piece on "The 100 Best Small Art Towns in America," by John Villani. Por, Scott Sutherland
"Edge" piece on the Maine Photo Co-Op, a 4,000-square-foot facility on Oak Stree, Scott Sutherland
"Edge" piece on the roots music invasion of Portland. Music lovers throughout t, Scott Sutherland
"Edge" piece profiling folk musician Patty Griffin, 33, a native of Old Town, wh, Scott Sutherland
Feature article on Portland as a tourist destination. Tourism in Maine contribu, Scott Sutherland
Feature article on Portland Performing Arts, Inc., one of the state's most succe, Scott Sutherland
Long "City" piece on Danny Martigan, Peter Girouard, and the Columbia Barber Sho, Scott Sutherland
On May 29, the first pair of swans since 1942 will be released into Deering Oaks, Scott Sutherland
Review of "Synergy," an exhibit of works by Johnnie Ross, Bill Thompson, Lucy Wh, Scott Sutherland
Review of the eighth annual 10 x 10 exhibition. Ten Maine artists will each exh, Scott Sutherland
Review of the Esduardo Mariscal Dance Theater production of "The Secret Waltz of, Scott Sutherland
Rustic Overtones plays a blend of rock, funk, ska, hip hop and R & B, and is mad, Scott Sutherland
"City" piece on farming in Portland's suburbs. Rising property values and super, Karen Turner
"City" piece on the Portland Public Market. Some vendors say the requirements t, Karen Turner
"Stage" piece on the Maine State Music Theatre production of "The Music Man," cu, Jason Wilkins
"Stage" piece on the Oak Street Theatre production of Dan Remmes' "What Doesn't, Jason Wilkins
"Stage" piece on the Oak Street Theatre production of Paula Vogel's "Desdemona,, Jason Wilkins
Three short pieces on the Portland music scene, including a piece on the Portlan, Jason Miller Wilkins and Zoe
Central Maine Power Co. (CMP) has a contract with Regional Waste Systems (RWS) t, Josh Williamson
"Edge" piece on Benkay Restaurant on India Street in Portland. The latest addit, Josh Williamson
"Edge" piece on Portland's used-book stores. The selection includes Yes Books o, Josh Williamson
"Essay" piece by Josh Williamson, on parking in Portland. It is illegal in the, Josh Williamson
"Essay" piece on a proposal to spend $500,000 of taxpayer money to repair the Po, Josh Williamson
Peter O'Donnell, former executive director of the Portland West Neighborhood Pla, Josh Williamson
The Portland Harbor Commission last November allowed the Fairhaven, an 80-foot i, Josh Williamson