Down East magazine, has been publishing since August 1954, and continues as one of Maine's most prominent monthly magazines. Their web site's history page provides the following description:

"The goal of Down East has always been to hold a mirror up to Maine — its storied past and lively present — and to celebrate its flinty, independent character and unhurried way of life. As Maine has changed with the times, however, so has Down East. Today the state has come to embrace its future as well as its past. Accordingly, the magazine now focuses more on contemporary Maine life and what the future might bring and less on historical background and quaint rusticity. Booming circulation and advertising gains demonstrate the wisdom of this editorial shift."

Portland Public Library's collection of Down East is complete, and begins with the first issue, August 1954. The hard copies are available in the Portland Room.


Submissions from 2015

Guide. Art: Winter in July?, Edgar Allen Beem

Guide. Art: Woodworking Behind Bars, Edgar Allen Beem and Marti Stone, photographer

Guide. Book: Add Maine and Stir, Grace-Yvette Gemmell

Guide. Book: Back-to-the-Landers, Peter Pfeiffer

Guide. Book: Farmer Boys, Jim Bauer

Guide. Book: Footloose, Virginia M. Wright

Guide. Book: Inside the Hive, Virginia M. Wright

Guide. Book: Island Girl, Virginia M. Wright

Guide. Book: Maine Classics, Virginia M. Wright

Guide. Book: Still Bimulous, B.K. [Brian King]

Guide. Book: The Negotiator, George Mitchell

Guide. Book: Through Children’s Eyes, Virginia M. Wright

Guide. Dining, Elizabeth Peavey and Meredith Purdue, photographer

Guide. Dining: Bao Bao Dumpling House, Elizabeth Peavey and Kristin Teig, photographer

Guide. Dining: Blaze, Melanie Brooks and Meredith Perdue, photographer

Guide. Dining: Boynton-McKay, Virginia M. Wright and Douglas Merriam, photographer

Guide. Dining : Coplin Dinner House, Nancy Heiser and Mark Fleming, photographer

Guide. Dining: Custom Deluxe, Joe Ricchio and Meredith Purdue, photographer

Guide. Dining: Mill 67, Michaela Cavallaro and Meredith Purdue, photographer

Guide. Dining: Portland Pâtisserie, Grace-Yvette Gemmell and Meredith Perdue, photographer

Guide. Dining: Ports of Italy, Meadow Rue Merrill and Erin Little, photographer

Guide. Dining: The Menu, [Editorial staff writers]

Guide. Dining: Thistle Pig, Elizabeth Peavey and Adam Detour, photographer

Guide. Dining: Van Lloyd’s Bistro, Brian Kevin and Kari Herer, photographer

Guide. Dining: Vinland, Michaela Cavallaro

Guide : Drawing in the news, Virginia M. Wright

Guide. Excursion: Camden in Bloom, Meadow Rue Merrill

Guide. Excursion: Workingman’s Art, Kym Gilhooly

Guide. Fiction: Point Last Seen, Paul Doiron

Guide. Fiction: The Little Hutchinsons, Ann Beattie

Guide. Music : Easier listening/Liztening, Brian Kevin

Guide. Music: High Five, Brian Kevin

Guide. Music: Play, Paws, Record, Brian Kevin

Guide. Music: Rustic Never Sleeps, Jeff Beam

Guide. Music: Smooth Jazz, Brian Kevin

Guide. Music: Unfiltered lights, B.K. [Brian Kevin]

Guide. Radio: Return of the Old-Timers, Sara Anne Donnelly

Guide. Sport: Swing easy, Nancy Heiser

Guide. Theater: In the Flesh, Monica Wood

Guide. Theater: Not Toying Around, Grace-Yvette Gemmell

Guide. Theater: Snow Comparison, Brian Kevin

Guide. Treat: Puff Piece, Grace-Yvette Gemmell

Hard Opening, Brian Kevin and Dana Smith, photographer

Hard Tellin’ Not Knowin’, Michael Erard; Hanji Chang, illustrator; and Andy O'Brien, illustrator

His Own Lilliput, Catherine Gentile

Home Grown : An April Shower of Seeds, Richard Grant and Marty Braun, illustrator

It’s Island Time: Islands A-Z, [Editorial staff writers]

Kelp: It’s What’s for Dinner, Rob Sneddon and Douglas Merriam, photographer

Let it burn, Michael Burke

Lost in Translation, Suzanne Rico and Séan Alonzo Harris, photographer