"The goal of Down East has always been to hold a mirror up to Maine — its storied past and lively present — and to celebrate its flinty, independent character and unhurried way of life. As Maine has changed with the times, however, so has Down East. Today the state has come to embrace its future as well as its past. Accordingly, the magazine now focuses more on contemporary Maine life and what the future might bring and less on historical background and quaint rusticity. Booming circulation and advertising gains demonstrate the wisdom of this editorial shift."
Portland Public Library's collection of Down East is complete, and begins with the first issue, August 1954. The hard copies are available in the Portland Room.
Submissions from 2002
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "The Belles of New England: The Women of the Tex, Agnes Bushell
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on the newly reissued "Coastal Maine, A Maritime His, Richard Grant
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "The Wilderness from Chamberlain Farm: A Story o, Thomas Urquhart
'Down East Bookshelf" piece on "The Wooden Nickel," written by William Carpenter, Elizabeth Hand
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "To Save a River" with narrative by Scott Dickers, Thomas Urquhart
"Down East Bookshelf" piece on "Twelve Thousand Years: American Indians in Main, Michael D. Burke
"Down East Bookshelf" piece profiling Maine author Bill Roorbach, whose novel "T, Richard Grant
"Down East Bookshelp" piece on "Snow Squall: The Last American Clipper Ship" wr, Michael Sanders
"Down East Traveler" piece on historic homes in Maine that are open to the publi, Staff
"Down East Traveler" piece with a directory of Maine's state and city parks and, Staff
Feature article about canoeing the Penobscot River's West Branch. Once an activ, Andrew Vietze
Feature article about the midcoast town of Camden. With special focus on the Lo, Elizabeth Peavey
Feature article on 10 of Maine's so-called "dream jobs." With special focus on S, Andrew Vietze
Feature article on biathlon, the Winter Olympics sport that combines cross-count, Ken Textor
Feature article on Cushing, a quiet peninsular town that stretches along the wes, Edgar Allen Beem
Feature article on four of Maine's best new vacation homes, including retreats a
Feature article on Maine lobsters, including lobster-landing statistics, a list
Feature article on Maine's winter sky, including "Stellar Stargazing Spots," "St, Staff
Feature article on Migis Lodge on Sebago Lake, which is one of the oldest resort, Elizabeth Peavey
Feature article on moose-watching in Maine's Moosehead Lake region with Dan Lege, Elizabeth Peavey
Feature article on snowshoeing the Bigelow Mountain Range, which is embraced by, Fleet Jonathan Van
Feature article on Ted Carter, a landscape designer and owner of Carter Design G, Rebecca Martin Evarts
Feature article on the Chesuncook Lake House, a farmhouse deep in Maine's North, James Schwartz
Feature article on the city of Calais, located on the banks of the St. Croix Riv, Jeff Clark
Feature article on The Danforth, which with only ten guest rooms is probably the, Edgar Allen Beem
Feature article on the Kneisel Hall Chamber Music Festival, which is held annual, Virginia Wright
Feature article on the town of Bridgton, which is located in the center of weste, Virginia Wright
Feature article on the trillium, a Maine native and one of the most exotic of fl, Richard Grant
Feature article on the U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker "Thunder Bay." With its home, Ken Textor
Feature article on the world-famous Skowhegan Indian, a 62-foot wooden sculpture, Amy Sutherland
"Inside Maine" piece with tips on how to hunt for a job in Maine. With online s, Andrew Vietze
List of historic homes in Maine that are open to the public. With the location,, Staff
Maine hardiness zone map based on average yearly minimum temperatures between 19, Staff
"North by East" note on the length of the Maine coastline, which increased from
"North by East" piece listing circulation numbers for Maine's major newspapers f
"North by East" piece on housing in Maine. With statistics on total housing uni, Staff
"North by East" piece on hurricanes in Maine, including the peak season, average, Staff
"North by East" piece on jobs in Maine with statistics on the number of telemark, Staff
"North by East" piece on Maine's largest islands and how they compare in land ar, Staff
"North by East" piece on the National Speleological Society, an organization of, Staff
"North by East" piece with economic, traffic, employment, crime and other statis
Primer on Maine for visitors, including a list of six towns to see, the best bea
Profile of Ann Nemrow of Harpswell, who has invested nearly 25 years in building, Jane Lamb
Profile of Edwin "Win" Arlington Robinson (1869-1935), a native of Maine and thr, Edgar Allen Beem
Profile of Henry Strater (1896-1987) of Ogunquit, a prolific painter, founder of, Edgar Allen Beem
Profile of Joel Babb, an artist and precision realist who finds himself turning, Edgar Allen Beem
Profile of Mike Stiler of Monhegan Island, an artist who creates fish weather va, Amy Sutherland
Profile of New York artist Sam Cady, 59, who maintains a studio in Friendship., Edgar Allen Beem
Profile of painter Mark Wethli, 52, of Bowdoin, who has recently changed his sty, Amy Sutherland
Profile of Sherry Huber, recipient of the 2002 Down East Environmental Award. H, Jeff Clark