The Casco Bay Weekly, a free alternative weekly newspaper, ran from 1988 to 2004. In its early years, CBW’s journalists tackled controversial issues in depth, the writing and reporting often flavored with humor and irreverence.
Each print issue will be microfilmed for preservation purposes and the originals will be stored in archival boxes in the library’s off-site storage facility.
The 1988-1992 issues of the paper are indexed in the Maine News Index card file in the Portland Room, while later issues (November 25, 1992 through November 21, 2002) are indexed here on the Maine News Index online. Full-text PDFs of the paper can be accessed here.
Submissions from 1999
Preview of an exhibition of paintings by R. M. Whited, which is being presented, Pat Sims
Preview of "New Acquisitions 1999," an exhibit being presented at the Portland M, Pat Sims
Preview of "Objects and Paintings," an exhibition of the paintings of Susan Ture, Pat Sims
Preview of "Solo II Solo," a dance performance and farewell concert for Jolyn Ar, Pat Sims
Preview of "Sonichromatic Variations," an exhibition of unique musical instrumen, Pat Sims
Preview of "Striker's Passing," an independent film by Jeremy Mayhew, which will, Pat Sims
Preview of the Bates Dance Festival, which takes place at the Bates College Camp, Pat Sims
Preview of The Hay Gallery's premiere group show, including the work of 32 artis, Pat Sims
Preview of the Maine Jewish Film Festival, which will be presented at The Movies, Pat Sims
Preview of "Uncertain Beauty: Images of Westbrook, Maine," a photographic exhib, Pat Sims
Preview of "Zoo Pictures," a exhibition of 10 color prints by photographer Frank, Pat Sims
"Reading Room" review of "The Art of Reading: Books and Non-Books," an exhibiti, Pat Sims
Reveiw of "Lesley Dill: The Poetic Forms," a photographic exhibition at the Port, Pat Sims
"Stage" piece on "Road to Nirvana," which is being performed by Mad Horse Theatr, Pat Sims
"Talk" piece with artist Bill Cunningham, 46, of Portland, who has been working, Pat Sims
"Talk" piece with Jess Paquette, 23, who is Portland's only female bike messenge, Pat Sims
"Talk" piece with J. Freeman Porter, 69, of Portland, who recently celebrated ha, Pat Sims
"Talk" piece with Kelly Hodge, 22, who is a University of Southern Maine student, Pat Sims
"Talk" piece with Pauline LeClair, 35, who owns the American Poolplayers Associa, Pat Sims
"Talk" piece with Ron Lemire, 48, of Old Orchard Beach, a health practitioner wh, Pat Sims
"Talk" piece with writer/artist Jane Thorvaldson, a former model and public rela, Pat Sims
Ten year anniversary piece on The Cafe Review, which is celebrating with a speci, Pat Sims
Theater preview of "Makbeth," which will be performed by A Company of Girls, an, Pat Sims
Theater preview of "Skylight," which will be presented at the Public Theatre in, Pat Sims
Theater review of "Jeffrey," a comedy about love, fear and AIDS by playwright Pa, Pat Sims
City Councilor Tom Kane is trying to change the law in Portland so dog owners wh, Kimberly Jean Smith
"City" piece on Ivan Suzman, 49, of Portland, who has asked the Maine Human Righ, Kimberly Jean Smith
"City" piece on the Portland Public Market, which, to many people, has become a, Kimberly Jean Smith
Profile of Shannon Browning, a recent college graduate and a member of the Jesui, Kimberly Jean Smith
"Comment" piece by David Tyler noting that the Bath Iron Work's lease on land on, David Tyler
Preview of "Poilley: Life in a Rural French Village, 1972-1993," an exhibition, David Tyler
"So Noted" piece applauding "Loud, Intelligent and Political" (LIP), a new group, David Tyler
"So Noted" piece criticizing the Portland School Committee for showing contempt, David Tyler
"So Noted" piece expressing opposition to a proposal by the Portland City Counci, David Tyler
"So Noted" piece in support of state representative Michael Brennan's proposal t, David Tyler
"So Noted" piece noting that the state has an $85 million budget surplus this fi, David Tyler
"So Noted" piece on a low-cost housing project for the Bayside neighborhood prop, David Tyler
"So Noted" piece on amendments to a draft of a gay rights law that are being pr, David Tyler
"So Noted" piece on a study by the Maine Center for Economic Policy about what h, David Tyler
"So Noted" piece on serious suggestions for city leaders concerning economic dev, David Tyler
"So Noted" piece on the Portland City Council's intent to deny Portland resident, David Tyler
"So Noted" piece on the Portland Public Market, which is losing vendors because, David Tyler
"So Noted" piece on the rejuvenated debate over a proposed convention center in, David Tyler
"So Noted" piece on "The Undesirables," a name adopted by area teenagers who are, David Tyler
"So Noted" piece opposing a Maine Department of Transportation proposal to widen, David Tyler
"So Noted" piece urging Mercy Hospital officials to seek and listen to community, David Tyler
"So Noted" piece urging Portland city officials to enforce esiting taxi rules ra, David Tyler
"So Noted" piece urging Portland city officials to start drawing residents into, David Tyler
"So Noted" piece urging the Maine Legislature to pass legislation protecting gay, David Tyler
"So Noted" piece urging the Portland School Committee to ban the Boy Scouts of A, David Tyler
"City" piece on a new proposal being considered by the Portland Planning Board t, Doug Vanderweide
"City" piece on the push for a bigger public art program in Portland with more f, Doug Vanderweide
"Talk" piece with Dave Brewer, 29, a personal trainer at Portland Athletic Club, Doug Vanderweide
Winter guide on ice fishing with information about equipment, costs, rules, wher, Doug Vanderweide
"Edge" piece on "Magical St. Petersburg," the art of Natalia and Vladimir Evsevi, Jason Wilkins
"Edge" piece on The Farm, a Portland improv group that will perform at the Free, Jason Wilkins
Preview of a performance by singer/songwriter Abi Tapia, which will be presented, Jason Wilkins
Review of "Spousal Deafness . . . and Other Bones of Contention,"a collection of, Jason Wilkins
"Stage" piece on a performance of "Moon Over Buffalo," which is being presented, Jason Wilkins
"Stage" piece on a performance of playwright John Urquhart's "Operation Ollie:, Jason Wilkins
"Stage" piece on a Portland Stage Company performance of "Nixon's Nixon," which, Jason Wilkins
"Stage" piece on a Portland Stage Company production of "Tales of Washington Irv, Jason Wilkins
"Stage" piece on "Blithe Spirit," a performance by Portland Stage Company, which, Jason Wilkins
"Stage" piece on "Kooks" with John Kuntz, a one-man comedy performance being pre, Jason Wilkins
"Stage" piece on "Nora," an Ingmar Bergman play, which is being performed at the, Jason Wilkins
"Stage" piece on Portland Stage Company's "Three Tall Women," which will be pres, Jason Wilkins
"Stage" piece on "Repossession," a Payne Ratner play that is being presented by, Jason Wilkins
"Stage" piece on Shakespeare's "Romeo & Juliet," which is being presented by the, Jason Wilkins
"Stage" piece on Tennessee Williams' "A Streetcar Named Desire," which is being, Jason Wilkins
"Stage" piece on "The All Night Strut," a 1930s and 1940s song and dance perform, Jason Wilkins
"Stage" piece on "The Calling," a play produced by GrayHall Productions, which w, Jason Wilkins
"Stage" piece on the musical "Chess," which is being performed at Portland Playe, Jason Wilkins
"Stage" piece on "The Secret Garden," which is being presented by The Portland P, Jason Wilkins
Theater review of "Manifest," a black-humored play about the Holocaust by playwr, Jason Wilkins
Theater review of one of Anton Chekhov's masterpieces, "Three Sisters," which is, Jason Wilkins
Theater review of "The Cocktail Hour," which is being performed by Acorn Product, Jason Wilkins
Book review of "Not Ready for Prime Time," which was written by Portland author,, Eva Writt
"Edge" piece on Buy Nothing Day, which falls on Nov. 26 this year and was establ, Eva Writt
"Edge" piece on Eleanor Whitney of Pownal and Erek Gaines of Falmouth, two teena, Eva Writt
"Essay" piece by Eva Writt of Falmouth, a student at the Maine College of Art, l, Eva Writt
Preview of a performance by several bands, including the Microphones, Mirah, Tr, Eva Writt
Preview of "Eros Rhythm," a performance-art installation by Esduardo Mariscal Da, Eva Writt
"Talk" piece interview with Woody Proctor, who owns and manages Tiger Ice Cream, Eva Writt
"Teenage liberation cookbook" piece on the Undesirables, a group of local teenag, Eva Writt
Submissions from 1998
Advertisements with brief profiles of Silver Monkey Medicine of Portland, and ow
Brief interview with band members of the Howling Turbines: Doug Hubley, Gretchen
Casco Bay Weekly Comics issue, with offerings from Patrick Corrigan, Rebecca Ken
Casco Bay Weekly primary election endorsements of Tom Connolly as Democratic gub
Casco Bay Weekly's "Best of Portland 1998."
Casco Bay Weekly Volunteer Issue, with listing of agencies in the Portland area
"Comment" piece endorsing state Senate candidates Joel Abromson (District 27), A
"Ear to the Pavement" piece about "Your Turn,"a talk show that will broadcast a
"Ear to the Pavement" piece on a National Parks and Recreation Association's 199
"Ear to the Pavement" piece on Aunti Leone's in Portland, a 20-year-old pizza an
"Ear to the Pavement" piece on Burl Hash, longtime director of Maine Arts, who t
"Ear to the Pavement" piece on Jeff Feingold of Randolph, Mass. Feingold is ope
"Ear to the Pavement" piece on Portland's number four ranking as a small art tow
"Ear to the Pavement" piece on the decision of Lorene Zammuto, owner of the Blue
"Ear to the Pavement" piece on "The Kyle and Efram Show," a show on Portland's P
"Ear to the Pavement" piece on the March 14 Class A boys basketball game, in whi