The Casco Bay Weekly, a free alternative weekly newspaper, ran from 1988 to 2004. In its early years, CBW’s journalists tackled controversial issues in depth, the writing and reporting often flavored with humor and irreverence.
Each print issue will be microfilmed for preservation purposes and the originals will be stored in archival boxes in the library’s off-site storage facility.
The 1988-1992 issues of the paper are indexed in the Maine News Index card file in the Portland Room, while later issues (November 25, 1992 through November 21, 2002) are indexed here on the Maine News Index online. Full-text PDFs of the paper can be accessed here.
Submissions from 1998
"Talk" piece with Tim Karu, a seventh-grader at Waynflete School, who gave about, Laura Conaway
United States Postal Service officials have proposed a 340,000-square-foot build, Laura Conaway
A brief piece on a Portland referendum that would ban smoking in the city's rest, Allen Dammann
A look at night life options for the underaged in Portland, with interviews of p, Allen Dammann
"Art News" piece reporting that the Pleasant Street Collective closed its doors, Allen Dammann
A tongue-in-cheek piece about public morality and the positions of some of the c, Allen Dammann
Brief article about two bond issues on the Nov. 3 ballot. The first is a $20 mi, Allen Dammann
"City" piece on Geno's, a hard-rock club on Brown Street in Portland owned by Ge, Allen Dammann
"City" piece on Geno's, a Portland rock club, which was closed after failing a c, Allen Dammann
Concert review of The Mannheim Steamroller laser show, which is being presented, Allen Dammann
"Edge" piece focusing on Bruce Lowden, 39, of East Corinth, who is the resident, Allen Dammann
"Edge" piece on a garage surf band from southern Maine, 13 Ghosts, with profiles, Allen Dammann
"Edge" piece on an art exhibit called "13 at 313," which opened Nov. 15 at the n, Allen Dammann
"Edge" piece on arts and crafts, which is estimated to be an eleven billion doll, Allen Dammann
"Edge" piece on Jim Rand, who was hired on Nov. 10 as WMPG radio's new station m, Allen Dammann
"Edge" piece on Portland city councilor Charlie Harlow's popularity among local, Allen Dammann
"Edge" piece on the Galactic Bowl, at Yankee Lanes bowling alley in Portland, wh, Allen Dammann
"Edge" piece on the Mad Horse Theatre's production of "Angels in America Part Tw, Allen Dammann
"Edge" piece on the Portland all-female cover band, Tootsie, which consists of b, Allen Dammann
"Edge" piece on three new venues for Portland's theater scene: the Fine Arts The, Allen Dammann
"Edge" review of a performance by Anno Daemonicus at Portland's Fine Arts Theatr, Allen Dammann
Feature article about Portland's peace activists who turned out on Oct. 19 to ce, Allen Dammann
Feature article focusing on Rick Flynn, owner of R. P. Flynn & Sons Towing and C, Allen Dammann
Feature piece on the Portland music scene, with articles on the bands Go Button, Allen Dammann
Local Attraction piece on the Cafe Uffa's new Fortnight Music Series, a biweekly, Allen Dammann
"Munch" piece on the Bugaboo Creek Steak House in South Portland, a high-volume, Allen Dammann
Performing arts preview of an appearance by satirist David Sedaris, who will per, Allen Dammann
Preview of a duo performance by jazz drummer and composer Steve Grover and piani, Allen Dammann
Preview of a performance by Irish poet Sean Clifford, which will be presented at, Allen Dammann
"Stage" piece on the Acorn Productions presentation of Lanford Wilson's "Burn Th, Allen Dammann
"Talk" piece with Amanda Downs of Springvale, who has been a server at the Inter, Allen Dammann
"Talk" piece with Braeleen O'Brien, 25, owner of Braeleen's Meditation Shop, a v, Allen Dammann
"Talk" piece with Debbie Elliott of Portland, the only Certified Master Hair Col, Allen Dammann
"Talk" piece with Jennie Shea, drama coordinator at Deering High School, who doe, Allen Dammann
"Talk" piece with Larry Gribbin of South Portland, who is a writer and a retired, Allen Dammann
"Talk" piece with Melissa Clarke, 30, who creates many of the costumes worn in t, Allen Dammann
"Talk" piece with Ryan Crosby, 21, of South Portland, who is in the Skull Honor, Allen Dammann
"Talk" piece with Ted Regan of Cape Elizabeth who hopes to raise awareness of th, Allen Dammann
"Talk" piece with the Good Rockin' Daddies, a musical duo that performs songs fo, Allen Dammann
Charmaine Daniels reminisces about what made her job worth doing at the Casco Ba, Charmaine Daniels
Review of "Beyond the Mountains Lies Many Mountains: Bailey, Basquiat, Locadia,", Charmaine Daniels
A pirate radio station operating from the eastern end of South Portland went off, Al Diamon
A satirical article on Peaks Island,. The author looks at the eccentricities of, Al Diamon
"CBW 10" piece on the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Casco Bay Weekly,, Al Diamon
"City" piece describing some of the problems encountered at Portland's polling p, Al Diamon
"City" piece on former Portland police officer James Foley, 34, and his cousin's, Al Diamon
"City" piece on Joseph Ricci, 50, the owner of Scarborough Downs race track. Ri, Al Diamon
"City" piece on South Portland City Councilor Birger Johnson, who asked city att, Al Diamon
Detailed discussion of the restaurant smoking ban approved by the Portland City, Al Diamon
"Edge" piece on Maine's brew pubs and craft breweries including D.L. Geary Brewi, Al Diamon
"Edge" piece on some of the odd political paraphernalia used by Maine's politica, Al Diamon
Feature article on next month's special election on Maine's new gay-rights law., Al Diamon
"Out There" about "Rum, Riot and Reform--A Walk Around Town," a tour around Port, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece about Frank Heller, the treasurer of Republi, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece about the "As Maine Goes" (AMG) website (www, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece about the luke-warm enthusiasm of Mainers fo, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece deriding gubernatorial primary winners Tom C, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece detailing how Republicans might attain a maj, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece examining Republican state senator Joel Abro, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on a bond issue assembled by the Legislature, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on a measure hidden in LD 1100, which will g, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on "An Insider's Guide to Maine Politics," b, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on a study conducted by the Center for Women, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on attorney Tom Connolly, who has announced, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Bill Lemke, a write-in candidate for the, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Davis Rawson, outspoken Maine political c, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Democratic Congressmen Tom Allen's and Jo, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Democrats James Bowers of Washington and, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on extreme right-winger, Bill Clarke, the Ma, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on former Democratic state representative An, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on former state representative Ralph Coffman, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on former state senator John Hathaway and hi, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Gov. Angus King's reversal of a previous, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on interviews with more than two dozen candi, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Maine Citizens for Clean Elections and it, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Maine's gay-rights law, which is the subj, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Maine's new Clean Election Act, which Al, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Maine's wrestlers and other professional, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Maine Won't Discriminate and South Portla, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on MBNA's Land for Maine's Future credit car, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Nancy Oden, a leader of the Green Party,, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Pat LaMarche, a independent gubernatorial, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Paul Volle, executive director of the Chr, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on potential candidates to challenge Gov. Ki, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Republican gubernatorial candidate James, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Republican U.S. senator Olympia Snowe and, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Ross Connelly's "silent summer" campaign, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Sean Faircloth, the runner-up in the 1996, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on state representative Libby Mitchell, who, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the chances of Portlanders gaining some o, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the current gubernatorial candidates, inc, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the gasoline additive MTBE., Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the number of women in politics, and a to, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the problem of passing an anti-discrimina, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the re-election race that U.S. senator Ol, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the resistance of Maine Citizens for Clea, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the responses of the Democratic and Repub, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the results of this month's special elect, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the salaries of Maine's state senators an, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the small number of people ( 1,898), who, Al Diamon