The Casco Bay Weekly, a free alternative weekly newspaper, ran from 1988 to 2004. In its early years, CBW’s journalists tackled controversial issues in depth, the writing and reporting often flavored with humor and irreverence.
Each print issue will be microfilmed for preservation purposes and the originals will be stored in archival boxes in the library’s off-site storage facility.
The 1988-1992 issues of the paper are indexed in the Maine News Index card file in the Portland Room, while later issues (November 25, 1992 through November 21, 2002) are indexed here on the Maine News Index online. Full-text PDFs of the paper can be accessed here.
Submissions from 1999
"Talk" piece with Larry Lamond who, appeared on the "Donahue"television show in, Connie Pacillo
"Talk" piece with Lisa Simpson who, after seven years as manager of a Pratt-Abbo, Connie Pacillo
"Talk" piece with Paul DiMatteo who owns Maine Memorial Company in South Portlan, Connie Pacillo
Voters guide on local referendum issues being presented to voters on Nov. 2 in F, Connie Pacillo
Young conservatives say they're out to abolish the conservative stereotype estab, Connie Pacillo
Art preview of "Expressions of Culture: Five Photographers, Five Communities,", Peter C. Payette
"Cover Story" piece on people moving in both directions between San Francisco, C, Elizabeth Peavey
"Outta my way" piece on recent changes in ownership and managerial structure tha, Elizabeth Peavey
"Outta my way" piece on the author's portrayal of the Maine towns of Stratton an, Elizabeth Peavey
Art preview of "3rd Voice: An Interactive and Improvisational Art Event," a col, Autumn Phillips
Art preview of "Bodywork: the Sacred and Profane," a multi-artist photograph ex, Autumn Phillips
Art preview of "Recognition of the Undersong," an exhibit by artists Eve Bennett, Autumn Phillips
Art preview of "Two Artists and One Sculptor," an exhibit of works by artists Bo, Autumn Phillips
"City" piece on a complaint filed by Christine O'Leary, director of the Preble S, Autumn Phillips
"City" piece on a study proposed by Portland School Committee member Jeff Peters, Autumn Phillips
"City" piece on DJ Detritus and his Black Cat Radio, which is an unlicensed, pir, Autumn Phillips
"City" piece on Portland's new curbside recycling program, which has turned into, Autumn Phillips
"City" piece on the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies in Portland, which is, Autumn Phillips
"Edge" piece on "World Puppets Portland, an international festival of puppet the, Autumn Phillips
Preview of a reading by Maine author Janwillem van de Wetering, 70, who will rea, Autumn Phillips
Preview of "Heralding the Next Decade, Century and Millennium," an exhibition of, Autumn Phillips
Preview of "Sex, Nature and Magic as Religious Experience," a lecture by Arthur, Autumn Phillips
Preview of the Clyde Beatty-Cole Bros. Circus, which will be at the Maine Maill, Autumn Phillips
Preview of The Leather and Lace Ball, a celebration of National Coming Out Day,, Autumn Phillips
Preview of the Pine Tree State Cat Club's annual Cat Fanciers Association show,, Autumn Phillips
Preview of the Second Annual New Year's Portland Film Festival, featuring films, Autumn Phillips
Preview of the St. Lucia Festival of Light, which takes place on Dec. 12 at St., Autumn Phillips
Preview of Urban Artist Day IV, which takes place in Portland's Congress Square, Autumn Phillips
"Talk" piece with Barbara "Bobo" Carlisle Osborne, a watercolor artist who moved, Autumn Phillips
"Talk" piece with Hafid Lalaoui of Portland, a Moroccan who came to America to p, Autumn Phillips
"Talk" piece with linguist Conor Quinn, 21, who has studied Irish Gaelic, Indone, Autumn Phillips
"Talk" piece with Rosemary Colston of Portland, a member of Central African Visi, Autumn Phillips
Concert preview of a performance by country singer Kelly Willis, which will be p, Jim Pinfold
Preview of a performance by singer and songwriter Graham Parker, which will be p, Jim Pinfold
"Essay" critiquing the recent ALANA conference held in Portland., Louise Rocha
"Lost and Found" piece on a reading by G. K. Wuori from his first book, "Nude in, Anddrew Rosen
Art preview of "Emotional Realism: The Inner Landscape," a collection of works, David Schmit
"Talk" piece with Jeri Theriault, who has been a poet for over 30 years and rece, David Schmit
"Talk" piece with Rick Adam who performs a one-man-band show, does self-esteem a, David Schmit
Art preview of "10 X 10," an exhibition featuring 10 works each by 18 artists, a, Annie Seikonia
Art preview of "Bearing Witness: Contemporary Works by African American Women,", Annie Seikonia
Art preview of "Spacious Skies," a new exhibit by 10 artists exploring the sky's, Annie Seikonia
"Congress Street Minutes" piece in which Annie Seikonia gives fourteen reasons w, Annie Seikonia
"Edge" piece on "The Odyssey," which is being presented at the Agape Center in P, Annie Seikonia
Preview of a performance by singer-songwriter Ani DiFranco, which will be presen, Dan Short
Preview of a performance by the Maine-based Twisted Roots and Gouds Thumb band,, Dan Short
Preview of a performance by the Seth Yacovone Blues Band, which will be presente, Dan Short
Review of "The Fine Art of Carousing," a new compact disc release by Maine's ki, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on a performance by Steve Earle and the Bluegrass Dukes, whic, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on a performances by blues-rock singer-guitarist Shannon Curf, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on Boston-based singer Michelle Willson, who will be presente, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on "Homb," the latest album released by the local sextet Cerb, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on Jim's Big Ego, a Boston-based rock band that will perform, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on local musician Shawn Saidon and his new CD, "Three Star Da, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on Mary Jane Lamond, a Scottish Gaelic musician, performing a, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on Orgy, a "new metal" band from California that dares to com, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on performances by country singer Lucinda Williams, being pre, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on Real Big Fish, a third-wave "ska" band from California tha, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on singer/songwriter Gillian Welch, who will perform at the P, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on songwriter and musician Bob Dylan, who will perform at the, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on the heavy metal band Colepitz, which will perform at Asylu, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on The Melvins, a heavy-metal band performing at the Asylum i, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on the Portland-based alternative country music group Cattle, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on three new compact discs released by Portland-area musical, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on Tree and Honkeyball, two hardcore musical groups that will, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece on Zulu Leprechauns, an eclectic band being presented at the, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece previewing a performance by the Boston-based "Punk Mambo" sep, Dan Short
"Short Cuts" piece the New Metal band Primus, which is being presented at the Ce, Dan Short
Art preview of "Bella Figura," a collection of 40 works by Carlo Pittore, which, David Sims
Art preview of "New Paintings," a collection of abstract oils by Elizabeth Cashi, Pat Sims
Art preview of "Point of View, an Exhibition Exchange, Hanoi-Portland," an exhib, Pat Sims
Art preview of "Refractory," a clayware exhibit by five artists, which will be p, Pat Sims
Art preview of "Two Views of the Hindu: 'Seven Years of Living Art' by Linda Mo, Pat Sims
Art preview of "Women of Valor: Jewish Heroines Through the Ages," a visual art, Pat Sims
Art review of a holiday season group show featuring an eclectic assortment of lo, Pat Sims
Art review of "A Tale of Two Cities: Eugene Atget's Paris and Berenice Abbott's, Pat Sims
Art review of photographs by Tom Antonik, which are being exhibited at Coffee by, Pat Sims
Art review of "Recent Work" by Terry McKelvey, which is being exhibited at Rober, Pat Sims
Book review of "Island Dog," a picture story without text created by artist Rebe, Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on changes that would be made if nine artists interviewed by, Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on funding for small arts organizations, which are finding i, Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on Maine Arts, producers of New Year's Portland and the Main, Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on Mainer Julie Dano, 34, a lesbian who is trying to make it, Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on making a living as a dancer in Portland, which is impossi, Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on poetry events in Portland, past and present. A series of, Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on Portland gallery owner June Fitzpatrick, 60, who is equal, Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's art community, its moral limits, and good tast, Pat Sims
"Cover Story" piece on southern Maine writers, including Stobie Piel of West Bat, Pat Sims
"Edge" interview with National Public Radio's (NPR) Terry Gross, who has been in, Pat Sims
"Edge" piece on "Before the End," an Esduardo Mariscal Dance-Theater production, Pat Sims
"Edge" piece on "Carolee Schneemann: Drawing Performance," an exhibition of draw, Pat Sims
"Edge" piece on country singer Mike Preston, who will perform at Lee Auto Mall i, Pat Sims
"Edge" piece on "Media and My American Self: A Performance on the Verge of an I, Pat Sims
"Edge" piece on the Taboo Topics women's discussion series being held at the Uni, Pat Sims
Preview of "2000: An Emerging Art Scene," an exhibition of paintings, photograp, Pat Sims
Preview of "Abelardo Morell and the Camera Eye," a photographic exhibit being pr, Pat Sims
Preview of a lecture by artist and public space designer Vito Acconci, who will, Pat Sims
Preview of a lecture by Playwright Brian Freeman on pacifist and civil rights ac, Pat Sims
Preview of a lecture by Sean Foley on "Monster Painting," which is being present, Pat Sims
Preview of "Anasazi," the last play of Walter Stump's "Mojave Trilogy," which wi, Pat Sims