The Casco Bay Weekly, a free alternative weekly newspaper, ran from 1988 to 2004. In its early years, CBW’s journalists tackled controversial issues in depth, the writing and reporting often flavored with humor and irreverence.
Each print issue will be microfilmed for preservation purposes and the originals will be stored in archival boxes in the library’s off-site storage facility.
The 1988-1992 issues of the paper are indexed in the Maine News Index card file in the Portland Room, while later issues (November 25, 1992 through November 21, 2002) are indexed here on the Maine News Index online. Full-text PDFs of the paper can be accessed here.
Submissions from 1999
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on politicians who enhance their name recogn, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on racism in Maine. With references to inci, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Republican presidential front-runner Geor, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on rumors that U.S. senator Olympia Snowe ha, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on seven amendments to a gay rights bill dra, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on several issues including the number of si, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on state Senate President Mark Lawrence's pl, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the claim that there are two Maines, nort, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the current election campaign and future, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the defeat of Question 1 on the Nov. 2 st, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the Family Planning Association of Maine,, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the Maine Fair Elections Coalition, which, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on the power struggle between Maine Educatio, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on third-term state senator Joel Abromson, R, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on U.S. represenative Tom Allen's decision t, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on write-in gubernatorial candidate Jack Fre, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece with quotes by supporters and opponents of t, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" tongue-in-cheek piece on Maine Senate President Ma, Al Diamon
"Politics & Other Mistakes" piece critical of the Maine Turnpike Authority's all, Al Diamon
Portland voters' guide with thumbnail biographical sketches of Portland School C, Al Diamon
"So Noted" piece highlighting some very successful Portland projects that were c, Al Diamon
"So Noted" piece lamenting the unsuccessful effort to recall Portland city counc, Al Diamon
"So Noted" piece on circumcision, suggesting that both male and female circumcis, Al Diamon
"So Noted" piece on Portland's rental rates, which are at all-time highs, and va, Al Diamon
"So Noted" piece on proposals to change the May date for Portland municipal elec, Al Diamon
"So Noted" piece on the hypocrisy of Christian conservatives who use people who, Al Diamon
"So Noted" piece on the May 26 termination of Laura Conaway as Casco Bay Weekly', Al Diamon
"So Noted" piece on the parking problem in Portland, which, according to the aut, Al Diamon
"So Noted" piece urging Portland's voters to support a petition drive to recall, Al Diamon
"So Noted" piece urging Portland's white population to expand its cultural horiz, Al Diamon
"So Noted" tongue-in-cheek piece on homosexuality and other taboos in the Bible,, Al Diamon
"Talk" piece with Abdullahi Jaranow, 12, who was born in Saudi Arabia, but moved, Al Diamon
"Talk" piece with Bob Curry, 50, who is scheduled to be inducted into the Maine, Al Diamon
"Talk" piece with Gregory Walsh, 51, editor of American Tugboat Review, an annua, Al Diamon
"Talk" piece with Russell Frank, 57, of Portland, who is an ex-Marine, former IB, Al Diamon
"Talk" piece with Sheila Teicher, 29, who is preparing to run her first marathon, Al Diamon
"Edge" piece on Jon Hawkins who came to Portland five years ago to attend the Un, Elisabeth Gold
Preview of "Unaccompanied," a dance performance by Larissa Sintsova of the Buffa, Elisabeth Gold
"Talk" piece with Chris Heilman, 49, a Portland glass blower., Elisabeth Gold
"Cover Story" piece on Luis Palau, 64, a native Argentinian and naturalized U.S., Sarah Goodyear
"Stop the Presses" piece critical of Portland Press Herald copy editing and edit, Sarah Goodyear
"Stop the Presses" piece on the demise of the Maine Times and the opportunity it, Sarah Goodyear
"Stop the Presses" piece on the USAsian News, a small, newly created newspaper f, Sarah Goodyear
A report prepared by Stafford Business Advisors, consultants hired by city, stat, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece on a $2,000 payment the city of Portland has paid to seven flea-mar, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece on a controversy that has evolved from a policy at Portland's Deeri, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece on a long-range plan being developed by Portland's Department of Tr, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece on a newly formed Latino civil rights group, the League of United L, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece on an unidentified Portland teacher's volunteer efforts to solicit, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece on a Portland City Council public safety committee proposal to put, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece on a proposal by state representative Michael Brennan of Portland w, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece on Harbor View Park, which is located on the Portland side of the C, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece on Old Port mega-landlord Joe Soley, questioning whether his landma, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece on Portland School Committee member Don Hamill who will not be atte, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece on Portland School Committee member Erik Richard, who wants to chan, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece on Portland School Department officials who used $370,000 of about, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece on Portland's summer English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, wh, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece on potentially conflicting new development projects on Portland's I, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece on "Solar 99," the nation's largest conference on solar energy, whi, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece on the Cumberland County Civic Center and what might become of it,, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece on the Portland-based Independent Transportation Network (ITN), a n, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece on the state of neighborhood groups in Portland, which Bruce Clary,, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece on the Superior Court, which occupies about 10,000-square-feet of, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece on the way money for textbooks is divided up among the city's eleme, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece on the widening of I-295 in Portland, which is being proposed by th, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece on Waynflete School's plans for improvement and expansion in Portla, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece on YouthBuild, a program of the Portland West Neighborhood Planning, Steve Hargreaves
"City" piece predicting that the controversial issue of raising the salaries of, Steve Hargreaves
"Cover Story" piece on the new sports arena being proposed for Portland and some, Steve Hargreaves
"Edge" piece on Josh Fix, a Bates College senior majoring in music, whose Sympho, Steve Hargreaves
"Edge" piece on local alternative magazines and e-zines, which are few and hard, Steve Hargreaves
Preview of "Celebrating the Heart and Mind- -Artists from the Shalom House Commu, Steve Hargreaves
Preview of the Cambodian New Year festival, which will be celebrated at the Stat, Steve Hargreaves
"Talk" piece with artist C. Michael Lewis of Portland who designs, builds and ra, Steve Hargreaves
"Talk" piece with Bob Waterman, senior operator of the Cape Elizabeth sewage tre, Steve Hargreaves
"Talk" piece with Cumberland County Sheriff's Department sergeant Rodney Sparkow, Steve Hargreaves
"Talk" piece with Dennis Cousens who plays competition cribbage. He and his wif, Steve Hargreaves
"Talk" piece with Wayne Tvedt of South Portland who hawks used merchandise at th, Steve Hargreaves
Concert preview of a Portland Chamber of Music Festival performance featuring th, Doug Hubley
"Cover Story" piece on "An Act to Establish the Maine Communities in the New Cen, Doug Hubley
"Edge" piece on sound designer Barb Truex and her current project, which is prov, Doug Hubley
"Edge" piece on the Maine Fabric & Fiber Arts Festival, which will be held in Po, Doug Hubley
Preview of "Northern Light - Cosmic Sound," a Carole Kim production created by m, Doug Hubley
Theater review of "The Caucasian Chalk Circle," which is being performed at the, Doug Hubley
"Cover Story" piece on various situations experienced by employees in Maine's re, Jesse Loesberg
Art preview of an exhibition of drawings, prints and sculpture by Leonard Baskin, Ali Mann
"City" piece on another attempt by Portland city councilor Jack Dawson to genera, Ali Mann
"City" piece on nighttime parking bans on Portland's Munjoy Hill to allow for st, Ali Mann
"City" piece on the Catholic Radio Network (CRN), which is scheduled to hit Port, Ali Mann
Preview of a reading from "A Good Enough Daughter" by author Alix Kates Shulman,, Ali Mann
"Essay" piece on filmmaker Shayne Worcester, 29, of Portland, who was murdered o, John Marshall
"Talk" piece with Michael Makin, who has been writing poetry since he was 12 and, Ned Meiners
"City" piece on a proposal by the Western Promenade Neighborhood Association, an, Lael Morgan
"City" piece on the Portland police log, which hasn't been available for more th, Lael Morgan
"City" piece on two new, low-cost after-school-care programs that are being intr, Lael Morgan
"Cover Story" piece on parking, parking violations, parking tickets and habitual, Lael Morgan
"Edge" piece on Portland's two winter water taxis: Warren Radtke's Sea Tow's an, Lael Morgan
Lael Morgan writes about those who populate Portland's night, focusing on Bobby, Lael Morgan
"Talk" piece with Louise M. Poppema, an animal communicator and former divorce, Lael Morgan
"Talk" piece with Tony Heeschen, an L.L. Bean employee who recently took part in, Lael Morgan