The Casco Bay Weekly, a free alternative weekly newspaper, ran from 1988 to 2004. In its early years, CBW’s journalists tackled controversial issues in depth, the writing and reporting often flavored with humor and irreverence.
Each print issue will be microfilmed for preservation purposes and the originals will be stored in archival boxes in the library’s off-site storage facility.
The 1988-1992 issues of the paper are indexed in the Maine News Index card file in the Portland Room, while later issues (November 25, 1992 through November 21, 2002) are indexed here on the Maine News Index online. Full-text PDFs of the paper can be accessed here.
Submissions from 1999
"Cover Story" piece on the jury selection process in Maine, which is one of just, Kenneth Z. Chutchian
"Essay" piece by Portland city councilor Jim Cloutier supporting an idea propose, Jim Cloutier
"City" piece on a lawsuit filed in April 1998 by Regional Waste Systems (RWS) ag, Laura Conaway
"City" piece on Portland's recently renovated middle and high schools. Portland, Laura Conaway
"City" piece on the Portland City Council's agreement to accept $1 million from, Laura Conaway
"City" piece on the shortage of lower level rental units in the Greater Portland, Laura Conaway
"Cover Story" piece on Portland's refugees with special focus on Tahseen Al-Shew, Laura Conaway
"Cover Story" piece on segregation in Portland's public high schools. Of Portla, Laura Conaway
"So Noted" piece applauding the Portland City Council's decision to begin a curb, Laura Conaway
"So Noted" piece critical of Owen Wells, director of the Libra Foundation, and h, Laura Conaway
"So Noted" piece critical of the Portland City Council's policies on tax increme, Laura Conaway
"So Noted" piece criticizing Portland city officials and its nine representative, Laura Conaway
"So Noted" piece criticizing Portland police chief Mike Chitwood for applying do, Laura Conaway
"So Noted" piece expressing concern for the Casco Bay Weekly's editorial indepen, Laura Conaway
"So Noted" piece in Casco Bay Weekly's annual volunteer issue asking readers to, Laura Conaway
"So Noted" piece on a city proposal to construct apartment buildings on polluted, Laura Conaway
"So Noted" piece on Ann Sachs, a longtime AIDS survivor and activist, who died F, Laura Conaway
"So Noted" piece on a reduction in the number of bars in the Old Port. The Peng, Laura Conaway
"So Noted" piece on Casco Bay Weekly's endorsements of candidates running in Por, Laura Conaway
"So Noted" piece on inequities in the distribution of music education dollars in, Laura Conaway
"So Noted" piece on local artists and how edgy they can be in terms of moral lim, Laura Conaway
"So Noted" piece on Portland school superintendent Mary Jane McCalmon's most rec, Laura Conaway
"So Noted" piece on Portland's segregated schools. Administrators argued centra, Laura Conaway
"So Noted" piece on Portland's top school administrators who wanted raises this, Laura Conaway
"So Noted" piece on the gentrification of Portland and the demolition of homes i, Laura Conaway
"So Noted" piece on the power of organized protest and citing the recent example, Laura Conaway
"So Noted" piece on the way city sprawl has affected neighborhoods along Portlan, Laura Conaway
"So Noted" piece on those who are considered to be Portland's most powerful peop, Laura Conaway
Art preview of "The Way Mayne (Maine) Was," a collection of works inspired by th, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on "sadomasochism" (S&M), also referred to as "bondage, disc, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on the culture of convenience, as in convenience stores, whi, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on the death industry in Portland with special focus on the, Allen Dammann
"Cover Story" piece on the tight housing market in Portland. As the occupancy r, Allen Dammann
"Edge" piece about the future of vinal recordings whose sales have slumped but n, Allen Dammann
"Edge" piece, done in tongue-in-cheek fashion, on a Walking Tour of Historic Por, Allen Dammann
"Edge" piece on exotic foods found at the Portland Public Market, Haknuman Meanc, Allen Dammann
"Edge" piece on Frank Pierobello, 66, owner of the Morrills Corner Pub in Portl, Allen Dammann
"Edge" piece on Mainers Mark Leaman and Jim Gray, two entrepreneurs who have sta, Allen Dammann
"Edge" piece on Michael Branca of Portland, founder of Mike's Real Dead Bugs. B, Allen Dammann
"Edge" piece on "My World," a joint effort between the Community Television Netw, Allen Dammann
"Edge" piece on the Cultural Arts and Theater Shows, or CATS Playhouse in South, Allen Dammann
"Edge" piece on the Flaming Productions' play "Jeffrey," which is being performe, Allen Dammann
"Edge" piece on the renaissance of Portland's Longfellow Square. During the las, Allen Dammann
Feature article on John Lomba, 30, a music promoter who wants to start a new mus, Allen Dammann
Preview of an Eastern Wrestling Alliance presentation featuring Joshua Shea of P, Allen Dammann
Preview of a performance by concert pianist Allen Barker, which will be presente, Allen Dammann
Previews of the grand opening of the national convention of the Daughters of Uni, Allen Dammann
"Talk" piece interview with John Nichols, a veteran Portland cab driver who doub, Allen Dammann
"Talk" piece with Anthony Reed, 24, of Portland, a Golden Gloves boxing champion, Allen Dammann
"Talk" piece with certified hypnotherapist Jessica Porter, 31, who owns Change i, Allen Dammann
"Talk" piece with David Woodward, 17, of North Yarmouth, who paints temporary mu, Allen Dammann
"Talk" piece with Dr. Neal Cross, director of the Maine State Anatomical Donor P, Allen Dammann
"Essay" piece criticizing Maine's Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement (BETR) la, Orlando E. Delogu
Book review of "A Closer Shave: Man's Daily Search for Perfection," a book abou, Al Diamon
"City" interview with Portland city managerBob Ganley concerning issues facing P, Al Diamon
"City" piece on a May 21 announcement by David Morgan, owner of the Casco Bay We, Al Diamon
"City" piece on the Portland City Council election campaign pitting candidate Et, Al Diamon
Concert preview of Shack-Shakers, a "bluesbilly" band that will perform at the F, Al Diamon
"Cover Story" piece on 25 tongue-in-cheek ideas for a better Portland, including, Al Diamon
"Cover Story" piece on a referendum question concerning legalizing marijuana for, Al Diamon
"Cover Story" piece on tax increment financing (TIF), a complicated program that, Al Diamon
"Cover Story" piece on the gay rights movement in Maine as it braces for its nex, Al Diamon
"Cover Story" voters' guide on measures being presented to Maine voters on the s, Al Diamon
"Edge" piece on Gary King of Yarmouth, who wanted to hear on the radio more of t, Al Diamon
"Edge" piece on the Manhattan cocktail, which is apparently not very popular wit, Al Diamon
"Edge" piece on the sixth annual Maine Brewers' Festival, featuring beers from 1, Al Diamon
"Munch" piece on Steven Quattrucci, 37, formerly a chef in some of the finest re, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece about rumors that U.S. Susan Collins is cons, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece critical of a bill introduced to the Legisla, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece criticizing the Maine Audubon Society and th, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on 2002 gubernatorial hopeful Chellie Pingre, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on $200 million handed out by the federal De, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on a bill that would establish term limits f, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on a legislative bill sponsored by state rep, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on a long list of possible gubernatorial can, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on a Maine Supreme Judicial Court ruling tha, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on a May 27 vote by the Portland City Counci, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on an 8 cents per minute AT & T in-state pho, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on a proposed nickel-a-gallon gasoline tax h, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on a recent lawsuit successfully brought by, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on a recent Superior Court preliminary injun, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on a recent survey of laws in all 50 states, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on a referendem question concerning the lega, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on a State Planning Office report released i, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on backfiring, poorly written and unnewswort, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on campaign fundraising by state legislators, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Carol Palesky, head of the Maine Taxpayer, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Claire Holman of South Portland, director, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on digital television signals, which will re, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on former state senator Joe Brannigan as a p, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Joe Ricci, one of the chief backers of an, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Maine Friends of Animals, a group organiz, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Maine Friends of Animals, which might beg, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Maine House Majority Leader Michael Saxl,, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Maine politicians who have reversed their, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Maine's Commission on Governmental Ethics, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Maine's next governor. Possible winners, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Maine's tax system. If the sales tax sys, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Maine's ultra-conservatives such as Jon R, Al Diamon
"Politics and Other Mistakes" piece on Paul Volle, executive director of the Chr, Al Diamon